ZEH DRUNNK threadd


I try to do the same, or I may end up tripping over the guitar case or over a small stool I have and that's not fun. Plus good chances are that I may fell asleep on the flor after falling with all messed up and that can led to some no fun at all moments in the morning :hypno:
I'm the very "naaAAWWw Fuck it!" person, so I dont know what anyone would want to get drunk and clean. I rarely do it in sobriety.
Although the other night I smashed a glass cover to one of my ceiling lights right next to my bed, and left it, and nearly stepped right in it the next morning. I walked through the glass pile just missing every shard somehow, took my shit, looked over and saw the glass death everywhere.
I drank a few beers before getting a ride home tonight (a 3 hour ride nonetheless) with my dad's friend...it all started out fine, in fact it made the trip even better, but now I have a raging headache and I had to take a taxi home the last bit :(
There's this party when I was 16. I was REALLY drunk. But I mean cuntmuscle-pissed drunk. I took a shit in my friend's bathtub. No apology, no nothing, I literally TOOK a shit is bath tube. It wasn't your typical "Let's take a poop! *Spash* Ah! it's finished!" shit. That turd was a-boomin'. Funny thing is, I puked on the shit. No, really, I puked on it. The smell was so unbearable, I puked. Half-laughing, half-crying, I didn't tell anyone. And because no one wanted to wash it, peoples had to take a piss smelling my puke and shit all night. I win the nobel prize.
There's this party when I was 16. I was REALLY drunk. But I mean cuntmuscle-pissed drunk. I took a shit in my friend's bathtub. No apology, no nothing, I literally TOOK a shit is bath tube. It wasn't your typical "Let's take a poop! *Spash* Ah! it's finished!" shit. That turd was a-boomin'. Funny thing is, I puked on the shit. No, really, I puked on it. The smell was so unbearable, I puked. Half-laughing, half-crying, I didn't tell anyone. And because no wanted to wash it, peoples had to take a piss smelling my puke and shit all night. I win the nobel prize.

Yes you fucking do. Halfway through I was thinking I could top it, but no.
We just got this russian nerd so drunk he passed out and puked all over himself, then the smell made one other get sick, and he puked on the russians face, then that got someone else sick and he puked on the russians face too.

We had TONS of pics of it, and a video of the second face-puke. But he was the first to be up in the morning, and deleted them all :(

Gin and Tonic is amazing by the way.
:lol: If only you still had the pics... FUUUUUUUUUUUUU

I once had a tape my little brother made of two five year old kids in a shopping card that he pushes down a fucking insanely steep hill and they crash straight into a fence at full speed. Funniest fucking thing I EVER saw. Kids hit the fucking fence so hard and get ejected. Tears and carnage everywhere. I remember rewinding the tape over and over and watching it right before impact, fucking hilarious, I'm laughing right now as I'm typing... but sadly the little retard erased it when the mother told him she was gonna call the cops... which she never did.
Yes you fucking do. Halfway through I was thinking I could top it, but no.
We just got this russian nerd so drunk he passed out and puked all over himself, then the smell made one other get sick, and he puked on the russians face, then that got someone else sick and he puked on the russians face too.

We had TONS of pics of it, and a video of the second face-puke. But he was the first to be up in the morning, and deleted them all :(

Gin and Tonic is amazing by the way.

You can't drunk a russian, he was faking it. Seriously. These dudes are un-drinkable, trust me. Maybe he loved puking, who knows?

And gin is the best thing EVER. It's the only hard (don't know the right word in english :P) alcool that taste somewhat good. I loathe people who don't like gin. Call me a fag, but my favorite drink is gin and lychee alcool. That shit is goooood.
You can't drunk a russian, he was faking it. Seriously. These dudes are un-drinkable, trust me. Maybe he loved puking, who knows?

And gin is the best thing EVER. It's the only hard (don't know the right word in english :P) alcool that taste somewhat good. I loathe people who don't like gin. Call me a fag, but my favorite drink is gin and lychee alcool. That shit is goooood.

The Russian was a skrawny nerd with a thick accent, he was in a shot contest, and lost. The other guy was vomiting a lot too, but didnt pass out, so we called him the winner. It was close.

Gin and Tonic is refreshing. Its like they found a way to make liquid fresh, and its by mixing gin and tonic.

Witha ATANKARD of Ale We connOt fAILE!!!!!!


it litearally took me 10 min to log in to the forum becahse i couldnt type my p[assword in

WTFF such an epic night

there was a power outage at the bars so they lit a million candles and we had to order beer byh candellight it was so epic. like midevil shit
There's this party when I was 16. I was REALLY drunk. But I mean cuntmuscle-pissed drunk. I took a shit in my friend's bathtub. No apology, no nothing, I literally TOOK a shit is bath tube. It wasn't your typical "Let's take a poop! *Spash* Ah! it's finished!" shit. That turd was a-boomin'. Funny thing is, I puked on the shit. No, really, I puked on it. The smell was so unbearable, I puked. Half-laughing, half-crying, I didn't tell anyone. And because no one wanted to wash it, peoples had to take a piss smelling my puke and shit all night. I win the nobel prize.

Oh my fucking god :lol:

In others news: I was drinking TOFFEE Vodka last night, shit was AWESOME (SICKENING).
Well I went to my cousins Uni Flat last night for a few beers since we decided not to hit the town. Thing is after those few beers we decided to go into town. At 1am, it was a good idea. Lots of raving ensued.

Hurr Durr
So there was big wellcome party from uni last night, and there we went. Bunch of alcohol was consumed, some more back at some of my classmates flat and overall epicness. Woke up at 5:30 pm this evening when a friend of mine phoned.

Drink discovery of the night: vodka + lemon, go hard on the vodka, then add a lil bit of blue vodka on top (or a bit more than a bit if you're willing to add a bit less lemon). Tastes amazing, gets you drunk fast, no hangover today.

Oh my fucking god :lol:

In others news: I was drinking TOFFEE Vodka last night, shit was AWESOME (SICKENING).

It's really fucking light stuff tho, kind of thing you start drinking and you finish it up before you know it. But tasty somehow.