ZEH DRUNNK threadd

lol dude, I've been sipping on mango juice, cranberry juice, bacardi silver, and malibu rum. 2 shots of the liquor, 1 shot of each of the juices. turned out pretty good actually. oh and a wee bit of lemon juice. I made one for my mom too. she's already tipsy.
lol dude, I've been sipping on mango juice, cranberry juice, bacardi silver, and malibu rum. 2 shots of the liquor, 1 shot of each of the juices. turned out pretty good actually. oh and a wee bit of lemon juice. I made one for my mom too. she's already tipsy.

*writes that one down*
Im moving out in a few weeks and we are celebrating with a keggar f. open bar.
Which I have graciously offered to bartend.

I need to learn to make really fancy girly drinks :lol:
So I checked out my new house a bit tonight, then the bars that are tucked away around the place.
Apparently my friend who owns the house knows every seedy old fuck that hangs out in the corner of every bar you've ever been to.

They all tossed coasters at us jokingly, missed and hit me every fucking time. Fuck I hate the people my city breeds.

you can use brandy, bourbon or rum

6 large eggs and 2 yolks
1/2 + 2 tbls spoons of sugar
1/4 teaspoon salt
4 cups whole milk
1/2 cup liquor of choice
1 tbls spoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/4 cup of heavy cream, then whip it utntil soft peaks (looks like little mountains, you'll see)

and if you want more alcohol and less x-mas than do 1 cup of liquour and 3/4 cup of the cream

combine eggs, egg yolks, sugar and salt in a largeish pan, whisk em. then whisk while you pour the milk in it, then turn on the burner on the stove to a really low setting, then put on stove and slowly mix, try and get it to 160 degrees. you want it to thicken and it could take around 30 minutes
then strain it into a bowl, and add booze vanilla extract and nutmeg then you let that chill for like 4 hours
when you want to serve it take that cream and mix the two and voila
jeebus, 30 minutes? lol takes a bit more work than I thought. but thanks, I'll definitely try this out soon. It's supposed to be pretty cold this weekend.
E ARE MAKING rock and rye with whiskey lemons and oranges and sugar crystals, it should be ready in a week or too

on a nother noter

JUST got back from MIniustrytg Of Sound at the Student Union Wheyeeeeyeyeye pissefd as fucokms,