Zeitgeist - The Movie!!!

You hate every word I say. You're committed to try your very best to piss me off or make me look bad, cause for some reason I make you froth at the mouth. This isn't an extremist, polarized position to you?

keep ranting. I have very little hope you will ever get it.

I never said I hated you...

You come into discussions basically calling out people's integrity by brushing them off as being stupid, ignorant, or retarded if they don't agree with what you think. You then claim that people can't take criticism because they get angry with you, somehow not realizing that what makes them angry with you is the fact that you treat them like shit. And now you act like I hate you for the sake of hating you just because I happen to call you out on the horrible way you treat people.

It's like you are so pretentious that you feel you are the only person in the world that "see's the truth" and has a "free thinking mind". Then you see that other people are the same but don't agree with you, so in turn, you try to degrade them by blowing off what they say as "retarded" because deep down you want to be the only person in the world who can think logically.

Whoah....now that I think about it....you should work for Fox News..
Cute. Maybe you're just offended that you might actually learn something. I am abrasive and blunt. I don't feel like wasting time fluffing up my posts to meet political correctness standards. It's not that I dislike people who don't agree with me. I have no problem with that and respect it. I don't respect people who use the arguments and thoughts of others to think for them, or people who actually put stock in and defend such things.

If you see me as that pretentious, that's your problem, not mine.
A lot of conspiracy theorist garbage that is backed up by very shaky to no sources.

Even though I do believe the idea that Jesus was a myth and not a real person, a lot of what is said is inaccurate even on that front (such as the idea that Jesus directly parallels Horus).

Take this film with a grain of salt.

I disagree. There is comparison between Jesus and Horus, but they never say anywhere that Jesus and Horus directly parallel each other. From what I saw (and fyi I saw this film way before this thread existed and I am well versed in most of these hip little internet conspiracy documentaries), the film implies that the story of horus was a huge influence on later religions such as the story of Dionysus et al. Jesus isn't even mentioned until they start discussing astrology.

While I agree that the story of horus is not a DIRECT parallel to other religions (in fact Dionysus himself is a god I believe- the god of wine- and Greek mythology is not centered around him like Christianity centers around Jesus.), there are very interesting astrological-based parallels that the movie draws that are INDEED true. All religions have intertwining elements and anyone who denies this is simply ignorant. Most cultures (forget about religion... look at language, weaponry etc) have similarities between eachother so it's no surprise that the religions would be similar. I won't go into my atheist beliefs except that I am an atheist but try to understand religion as much as I can.

All 9/11 conspiracy theories are just dumb. None of them hold water and just use half-truths the point to conclusions (which ironically, is quite a religious concept ;)).
Precisely. Nobody has better lawyers than the church of scientology. Doesn't mean they aren't psychopathic ballsacks.

Psychopathic ballsacks because they are Scientologists or are you specifically referring something else that warrants them this title?

I don't respect people who use the arguments and thoughts of others to think for them, or people who actually put stock in and defend such things.

By that logic, you either invented Christianity or you really hate yourself. :lol:
I always say (I'm not anything really, not even Atheist) Religion is really about hope...hoping that there's going to be more to existence than what we witness all around us, good or bad. Believe in what you want...you wanna worship toenail clippings as the supreme being, more power to ya'. I can't disprove it. I respect religion to a point, no matter how absurd, even if it makes me roll my eyes. It doesn't , and won't, change what I want to think. But, I like the discussions it brings about. It's ORGANIZED religion that bothers me.
AndTimeBegan: So, you think all religions are an amorphous mass, stir them all together cause they're basically the same. You also think there are certain parallels between religions, give credit to that, but not 9/11 conspiracy (thankfully), yet your apparent knowledgeable opinion falls apart when you aren't sure who Dionysus was.

There's a glaring difference, as ramses said, between religion and the churches who claim to support them.
AndTimeBegan: So, you think all religions are an amorphous mass, stir them all together cause they're basically the same. You also think there are certain parallels between religions, give credit to that, but not 9/11 conspiracy (thankfully), yet your apparent knowledgeable opinion falls apart when you aren't sure who Dionysus was.

There's a glaring difference, as ramses said, between religion and the churches who claim to support them.

I was correct about Dionysus, so no my argument (and knowledgeable opinion) did not fall apart (nice try though).

I'm not quite so sure what you're implying in your first few sentences? I never said religions are an amorphous mass. Re-read my comments. I did say they do share parallels though. If you deny this you're simply wrong.
I don't respect people who use the arguments and thoughts of others to think for them, or people who actually put stock in and defend such things.

If you see me as that pretentious, that's your problem, not mine.

There's a big difference between allowing someone else too think for you, and citing another's thoughts/arguments. Just because someone uses another's thoughts/arguments/point's of view to help come to their own conclusions or to illustrate a point, doesn't automatically mean they can't or aren't thinking for themselves.

And I don't see you as pretentious, but as condescending. Unfortunately, it's a quick way to disengage people from whatever point/opinion you're trying to get across to them, whether they agree with you or not.
religion doesn't bother me in the least, and I always found it interesting! However preeching does bother me, plenty!

You said it, man. I can't stand preaching. It's cool if someone teaches me about their respective religion, but preaching? Not down for that. Big difference between teaching and preaching, but it's a thin line that's crossed far too often.
I was correct about Dionysus, so no my argument (and knowledgeable opinion) did not fall apart (nice try though).

I'm not quite so sure what you're implying in your first few sentences? I never said religions are an amorphous mass. Re-read my comments. I did say they do share parallels though. If you deny this you're simply wrong.

You will soon find out that ken does not fully read peoples' posts, seriously. He takes out of them only what he wants to see and tries to contradict you with things that your post "said" (or rather didn't say).

The things you have said here so far are very true; however, let me correct you on only one thing. Dionysus was not a Greek god, rather he/she was a Roman god. Dionysus represented things such as chaos, ecstasy, and femininity. Dionysus was part of a duality with another Roman god named Apollo. Apollo represented the opposite things of Dionysus such as order, virginity, and masculinity. This duality is proof enough that Roman mythology was not centered around Dionysus as Christianity is around Jesus.
Ok...nvmnd...your right, they are greek gods, my mistake. They both also showed up in Roman mythology albeit they gave Dionysus a different name. Somehow I forgot they were apparent in Greek mythology as well. Either way, the whole Dionysus/Apollo duality thing is very true.
I was correct about Dionysus, so no my argument (and knowledgeable opinion) did not fall apart (nice try though).

I'm not quite so sure what you're implying in your first few sentences? I never said religions are an amorphous mass. Re-read my comments. I did say they do share parallels though. If you deny this you're simply wrong.

I'm simply wrong. :lol: Wow, you sure are a smart one. The Dionysus comment referred to you saying you thought you knew who he was. Just thought so? Come on.

rockyracoon: standing on the shoulders of giants doesn't make you any taller when everyone else is also standing on the shoulders of giants.
You will soon find out that ken does not fully read peoples' posts, seriously. He takes out of them only what he wants to see and tries to contradict you with things that your post "said" (or rather didn't say)

This is what I was referring to when I said you have a polarized opinion of me, and that in any post, you'll seek to work in how much you hate me. Way to be!