

Apr 14, 2005
everrot, WA
so. i watched this movie finally. holy (hah) fucking shit. i knew there was a reason i loved the Sun so much! lol. but yeah, i'm kind of angry after watching this, and dissapointed at humanity in general (for numerous reasons...).

This movie really touches on TOUCHY subjects, so let's not have this thread get outta control, let's play nice and not bash on each other's beliefs!

I thought it was really put together well. especially like Part I. i kind of connected a lot of what went over that when i was 16, i was heavily into egyptian life, and history and saw many similarities, but it didn't click to me like it has here in this film. there were parts where my jaw literally dropped for moments. Money? hah I've never liked it anyways. So What do you guys think about this movie?
From what I've seen they seem like every other documentary ever made. Selectively take quotes out of context, cherry pick some facts and jump to some conclusions to try to convince the audience of something.
There are a few "right points" i consider myself.
As Oz said about Religion (Is BS), IT DOES Manipulate people, big time, i have no doubt about it, and so does Media, manipulating the information or "hidding" facts, for what? i don´t know , but it happens.
i wouldn't say 100% bs, a lot of it is exaggerated for sure though. i found that website as well, but i've also looked for other refrences othjer than he has cited and many are false as well. there is no way to know for sure, the stories have been through so any generations and interpreted differently (for part 1 of the movie). i believe the bank stuff. it makes sense. the whole taking over the world part, i dunno bout that, lol.
Fan of truth??? Isn't that too liar?? Isn't faith that you put on your perception of reality that makes you so sure about what reality is???
I saw parts of Zeitgeist last year. I couldn't make it through the whole movie, because it felt like I was watching a preview or an intro - except that it went on and on and never felt like it was saying anything, just "building up" to it. Very sensationalized, yet slow and boring IMO.

The strongest point of the movie is that they've gotten so many people not to just watch it, but to buy into all the theories wholesale. It's really a proof of concept for viral video as a captivating medium, and in that sense it's a great example of effective marketing more than anything else.

All of the theories put forth in Zeitgeist are essentially recycled, cliche conspiracy theories that don't hold very much factual basis. For anyone who's unfamiliar with conspiracy theories, perhaps it's a good intro in the sense that it's the conspiracy theory buffet special or something.