Zodijackyl Light & Hedon videos


New Metal Member
Oct 10, 2001
southernmost voyage
Alright, so I got my tape and watched it today... For those who haven't seen them:

Zodijackyl Light is a pretty straightforward performance video with DT standing playing their instruments in front of a lot of blankets and shit flying around in the air. :p No special features. Decent video, not great though. Very low-budget I guess ;)

Hedon is slightly more advanced. They've got this half-naked guy (Niklas? Maybe not...) sitting in darkness in a ring of burning candles reading ancient books and screaming silently and doing some weird stuff. Then there's Stanne with his trademark sunglasses and the rest of the band in a room covered with fake (?) newspaper headlines and -articles, which the camera zooms in on as Stanne sings the lyrics in that headline; there are for example "sickness attached to your skin" and "fed with the hooves of apocalypse" headlines, with some irrelevant stuff around them. I thought it was better than the ZL video, but Hedon's a better song as well, so... ;)
That guy in the ring of candles looks abit cheesy at times though.

I have no way of making a computerized version right now, unfortunately, so I do not know what the purpose of this post was, except to.. Well.. Except to make you envious :heh:
Originally posted by phyre
That guy in the ring of candles looks abit cheesy at times though.

i saw that video too, a while back. cheesyness is ok with some issue (i.e., you're not taking yourself too seriously). in fact, it's about the best thing you can rely upon if you're afraid of overdoing it on the seriousness side. it's not worth the effort of trying to be all high-profile about stuff if you're not sure you've got the means and ideas to really strike home.
i like the simplicity in the circle-of-evocation scenes, it's like finding the easy way to get the message through, as in 'hey, shit happens, nightly body-painted summonings do too' :)

rahvin. (who dreams of being evoked by someone in need of his three wishes)
I know that Zodijackyl one is much more ehmmm simplier, but still I love that video, is the best one (of the three) ever done by DT IMHO...
I think, that Zodijackyl light vidoe is great, very emotionally...good stuff... What about Hedon, it's too dark , i think it should has color impresses.... anyway, it 's the best one! About Niklas role... hmmm... i don't think so... at first i thought , that it was Anders... :)

I've never seen either of them :(

...I'm going to have to get the PAL version and get that copy converted which will cost just as much as the video, so I'll be paying double the price....

...hope it's worth it.
it's just worth if you really like dark tranquillity....
the whole video tape lasts for ten minutes aprox....so it's a high price for just two clips....
but since I'm a freak about dark tranquillity I even didn't checked how long the tape was ;)
Ok, I've got the hardware, buuuuuuuuut not the software, what do you recommend to rip a videotape into a decent .mpg?¿?
this is for the european people or anyone actually:

There's a french TV channel called MCM, and it has this program called TOTAL METAL it's on the air at 11:00 pm (french time) the wednesdays or thursdays, i don't remember exactly, check it out for a couple of days and maybe you should see any of the videos, (i've seen them a lot of times there, even that i'm in colombia)
yep I guess I'll try Premiere...the software that came with the video capturer was just a piece of mere crap (or I'm too dumb to make it work, which is the most probable thing)