zomg i need my guitarz

The Emptier

t3h b3aSt0rZ
Oct 28, 2006
Columbus, OH/Bay Area, CA
alright, i am in desperado mode. I REALLY need an Edwards Alexi E-Al-128, i mean like. I have been just looking at this guitar for over a year, i have maxed out all other options, i have looked for hours and hours at other guitars and other websites, and nothing beats this amazingly sexy beast. I've been trying to find one that is a little in my price range, but there like all around 1000. plus 100 bucks just for shipping because its all from japan. i know a bunch of you guys have one, so would anyone be willing to sell me one for cheaper? im really in a fix here, and it would make my day for one of you guys to cut me a little slack. I know it seems a little dumb to make a thread about it but i've asked around on different guitar threads and no ones really helped, so maybe this can get some peoples attention. i would prefer black w/white pinstripes, but whatev. Thanks
sure he can, the kid's got knees.
dude just save up some money. when you think about 1000 bucks really isnt THAT much money. maybe to a 13 year old (haha, sorry i dont know how old you are). anyway thats how i got mine, i just saved up (granted i did buy that guitar from one paycheck, i got paid 1000 every 2 weeks, hehe).
tell her to go fuck herself. lol. jk. dude seriously though if you want the guitar that bad just fucking buy it! i doubt you're going to find that axe for under a grand.
what is your opinion about the edwards?
uhhh, he asked about the edwards not your opinion about ibanez. the edwards is a really great guitar. thats all i can say. i didnt like the hz and i changed it to an 81 but that was my only quarrel. anyway yea Cliff Ibanez guitars are great but this whole conversation was about the edwards and about how much he wanted one, so isnt it a bit pointless to say that?
what about those dean V's the dimebag series? they have a similar price range of 1K and slightly above. did you rule those out as well