Recent content by Judzfell

  1. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Good find I found Cranial Osteotomy
  2. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Devourment line-up changed. Ruben Rosas on vocals again. Brad fincher on drums again. Mike Majewski and eric park leave the band
  3. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    I had that album once, I grew really tired of it. Always gave me a headache. This I really like for what you pointed out; the guitar tone is evil. I always liked the slow chugging slam bands that you can groove to.
  4. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    I love songs like these, heavy everything and slamming everything. Also, Wormed is pretty "meh" for me too. A bit too technical.
  5. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    I find conceived to contain the best elements of all 3 albums. The darker side of UTC, the always & amazing slamming of MTD, and the song structure of BTC. Conceived feels most like BTW, except more perfected.
  6. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Have you ever "Butcher The Weak"?
  7. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    yeah, heavier. Unleash the Carnivore was so one dimensional. This record leaves a better impression. I stand by it being heavier. "...death metal of the highest order... 5/5 - Album of the Month" - Terrorizer “ album you want to listen to if you’re in the mood for brutality...
  8. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    New devourment cd came in the mail today. It is fucking incredible; way better than Unleash the Carnivore, there are actually memorable and distinguishable riffs. Feels like they got heavier and more creative. I'm in love with every song on the album. Manly tear.
  9. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Did Devourment ever say why they didn't sign with Brutal Bands again, and this time Relapse?
  10. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Anyone listen to the new devourment song, "50 ton war machine"?
  11. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    what happened to this forum? for months avast would block a virus whenever I tried to load this website.
  12. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Cerebral effusion is more like BDM with slam. Pure slam bands would be awaiting the autopsy, epicardiectomy, consume the fetus, ezophagothomia, gorevent, inhuman dissiliency, infertile surrogacy ... to name a few.
  13. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Where is the description for wigger slam? I only saw it descirbe slam death metal. Weird how "MTD" had such a low rating in comparison to some of those other bands/albums on that site. also found this review on it "This shiznizzle be OFF DA HOOK, homie G, ya feel me? Probably the most...
  14. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Into morbid obesity has one of the greatest slams, definitely the highlight of that whole album. I like this, gets right into it, reminds me of vulvectomy, except I like this more. I gotta pick this album up.
  15. Judzfell

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Lyrics and Slam, thats funny. I'm amazed if I can even find lyrics to a song, let alone if the song even has them.