Recent content by Perpetual Catatonia

  1. P

    Last movie you've watched

    I watched "Before the Devil Knows You're Dead" a few days ago. It was pretty cool; much better than I thought it would be. Its about a jewelery store robbery going completely wrong and the circumstances that the robbers have to live with. Some parts (the robberies) in it got me pretty excited...
  2. P

    Releases 2009!

    I liked Blood Mountain more than the others, but Remission and Leviathan are still good. "Mother Puncher" still makes my jaw drop every time I hear it. I bought Crack the Skye about three weeks ago and listened to it almost three times. I say almost because I was so bored that I couldn't pay...
  3. P

    Possibly the worst idea in the history of music...

    Someone with convictions as strong as Varg's should never have said something like that. That just makes him look like a hypocrite. I don't think that black metal is mainstream, but I suppose that this can depend on where you come from. To me (someone who lives in America) there are just a...
  4. P

    Possibly the worst idea in the history of music...

    It sounds like it will be a low-end movie though, so it's not like everyone will be jacking off over it.
  5. P

    The BEST Video Games Ever?

    I like your taste. All of these games have kept me occupied for hours on end. I remember getting The Sims for Christmas in the fifth grade and playing it from the time I woke up, until I went to sleep for almost a month. :P I'm glad I only ever went through something like that once. I would...
  6. P

    Who Are You?

    My name is Aaron. I used to post here back in 06-07, but joined the US Navy and never really thought about going back on the forums I used to be on. It wasn't until recently when I figured that coming back here would be cool. I still remember seeing some people post in here (Basilisk for...
  7. P

    Survey: Your interaction with Heavy Metal

    1. USA ... 1. How old are you? [x] 19-21 2. Gender [x] Male 3. How long have you listened to Heavy Metal music? [x] 3-5 years 4. Do you own any form of portable music player (e.g. iPod)? [x] Yes 5. Is Heavy Metal the only type of music you listen to? [x] No (go to...
  8. P

    Controversial opinions on metal

    I've never thought much about Lindberg's vocals with At the Gates. I prefer "Sweet Vengeance" vocals. I'm a big stickler when it comes to vocals. A band can play awesome instrumentally, but the vocals can completely ruin the music for me if I don't like them. It's not often when I can see...
  9. P


    No. Being completely free would be breaking all laws if that's what you want to do. Unfortunately in some ways but fortunately in others, we are restricted by our governments and fellow human beings as to what we are allowed to do. Though I do disagree with how our governments are corrupt and...
  10. P

    Quo Vadis Tour 2009 !

    I love how every time I see a show or festival that I would really like to go to, I just so happen to be out of the US. It's awesome that I'll miss seeing Quo Vadis come to the US. :(
  11. P

    Dream Theater- BLACK CLOUDS & SILVER LININGS Coming June 23rd

    When I first saw it, I thought, "this looks a lot like 'Awake'", too. I have Awake, Octavarium and Systematic Chaos. I favor them all in the reverse order. I don't see what's so bad about SC, except for the talking part in Repentance. I can't wait for the new CD, but I've already been...
  12. P


    I'm pretty tired of the special treatment as well. Anyone who thinks there is none isn't paying attention. I'm sick of blacks saying what they want about "crackers", "honkeys" and whatnot, but when someone says "my pals", all the blacks want to fight that person. I work with a lot of blacks...
  13. P

    Your last purchase??

    I remember going to see Trivium back in 2006 at Harpo's. It was a fun little venue, but the neighborhood looked terribly creepy at night. :P Gosh, I need to move next to a place that has a lot of good concerts.
  14. P

    Your last purchase??

    My last CD purchase is Crack the Skye by Mastodon. I don't suggest this album. I think of it as a waste of money. I would have downloaded it to preview, but I'm in the military on deployment, so I wanted to hear it as soon as possible. It's nothing like their older albums and left me hugely...
  15. P

    Do/did your parents accept your music taste?

    That's not what MasterOLightning meant. :rolleyes: I'm lucky enough to have parents who show interest in my music. My mother is great about it and shows a genuine interest in the music I show her. I've gone far enough as to burning CD's for her and giving her some of my own. She really digs...