Do/did your parents accept your music taste?

Mine don't care, and my dad likes a number of hard rock / metal bands including Sabbath, Priest, Megadeth and Alice in Chains.
My mom is a huge music nut so thats where i get it from. I've played her Opeth's Damnation and she seemed to like it but metal in general she does not like. Both of my parents never minded what i listened to when i was younger. My mom bought me the cassette of Master of Puppets when i was like 12 and my father adored Sabbath.
Well my Dad is a big 70's prog fan so he appreciates some of the stuff I listen to (Opeth, Porcupine Tree) but doesn't get along with the brutal vocals. He's an anglican priest too but its never bothered him, came to a BG gig with me once too :)
Both my parents are in their 50's. MY father was never musical and he never cared either way. My mum always supported me big time when it came to music. She appreciates some of the more melodic stuff and she says more extreme stuff is tolerable if it werent for the vocals. She mainly into classical and folky style now but she used to listen to lack Sabbath and Led Zeppelin way back when :)
Well I moved out 11-12 years ago so that's not really an issue right now (but my girlfriend who I live with doesn't really like my music to put it nicely :p)...

My girlfriend hates metal.

My parents don't mind. My mom actually listens to some of the "softer" stuff. She likes Kamelot, newer Sieges Even, Nightwish, etc.
My dad didn't mind stuff with a groove like Sabbath but anything with aggressiveness in the vocals he frowned on.My stepmom never complained about the sounds form metal but had a problem with the songtitles of stuff like Coroner.
For my parents, they like stuff like Jethro Tull, Led Zeppelin, Bob Dylan, Neil Young, The Beatles, Van Morrison, and all of the stuff that came out in the 60s, and early 70s. They don't really like Black Sabbath much though. And my dad likes more of the stuff from the 60s, more then the 70s. Which makes sense, considering my mom is 9 years younger then my dad.
My parents dislike nearly all of the metal and more obscure music that I like, but they occasionally enjoy bands seemingly at random, including Urfaust, Mercyful Fate, Shackles, Master's Hammer and Primordial. I've never quite figured out how they make their choices or why they like some things and don't like other bands that play similar styles.
When I started getting into black and death metal, my parents were more interested, confused, and a little disgusted than "unaccepting". they had never heard music like that before, and it might have freaked them out a little. they pretty much are used to it now though.
They never really cared for popular music whatsoever, so they naturally took no interest in whatever I listened to. I can't imagine they really cared for it, but I think my mom only ever comments on banshee-type vocals being particularly odd.
Metal is popular?

It's still the "weird kid" genre around here.

My dad always commented about the growling vocals.
My dad doesn't mind it, and my mom will even listen to it if I put it on a stereo. My brother sometimes forces her to listen to death/black/funeral doom so she's slowly getting more and more used to metal. She seems to like bands with melody, more than the brutal bands which talk about murder, rape and mutilation(go figure LOL).
Metal is popular?

That's not what MasterOLightning meant. :rolleyes:

I'm lucky enough to have parents who show interest in my music. My mother is great about it and shows a genuine interest in the music I show her. I've gone far enough as to burning CD's for her and giving her some of my own. She really digs Arch Enemy. :kickass:

My father doesn't like most of my harsh music, but will tolerate it if I don't play it loudly for extended periods of time. He seems to enjoy the power metal I play and I often find him tapping the steering wheel to something I play.

Off subject: Like some of the people in here, my (recently) ex-girlfriend hates my music. :lol:
My father is really ignorant about it... calling all death metal grind and black metal "Satan Worship" -___- Yet... he likes old Metallica and even Wolverine Blues.

My mom doesnt like it but it doesnt bother her that I listen to it... And I've caught her with my Hypocrisy ~ The Final Chapter shirt on.
My folks too.
My mum thinks I'm an emo whenever I wear my Metallica shirt, for fucks sake.