Recent content by sceloporus

  1. sceloporus

    Post pictures of your Gear and Guitars!!

    How's it sound?
  2. sceloporus

    Best Music Project, 2008

    I don't post enough for my vote to mean much but I voted for Kastigation, good stuff.
  3. sceloporus

    Official buying advice thread

    I like alot of mids but I would like it to be somewhat balanced, not to much of one range. So I'm kind of looking for something versatile.
  4. sceloporus

    Official buying advice thread

    Well I'm looking to buy some new pick-ups for my strat( was s-s-s planning on rewiring H-s-s). I'm pretty sure I want Texas specials for neck and mid, but I'm looking for a good bridge PU. I want something with a some-what high output but it has to be passive. What do you guys recommend.
  5. sceloporus

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    My top three would be. 1.Devourment 2.Abominable Putridity 3.Wormed
  6. sceloporus

    Who was better: Stevie Ray Vaughan or Jimi Hendrix?

    Yeah, and that bothers me too but he still rocked that song. (If you ask me, he did it alot better than Larry Davis)
  7. sceloporus

    Who was better: Stevie Ray Vaughan or Jimi Hendrix?

    Texas Flood was SRV's best song. Hendrix was a dam hippie!:bah: Dam hippies with their dam music.
  8. sceloporus


    Yes is awesome... They remind me of Rush for some reason.
  9. sceloporus

    Controversial opinions on metal

    I agree, Reign In Blood takes close second. Seasons in the Abyss is also great. These three are all pretty close in my opinion.
  10. sceloporus

    Who was better: Stevie Ray Vaughan or Jimi Hendrix?

    I think my avatar speaks for itself. But seriously, I think Hendrix is big time overrated. SRV was just more talented, as a vocalist, as a guitarist, as a song writer, and as a showman. It is kind of difficult to compare artists from different decades but plain and simple, SRV was better.
  11. sceloporus

    Rank these thrash bassists

    Bello, Cliff, and Ellefson are towards the top of my list. Bello really complements the music he plays, Cliff could put on a good solo. I think Araya deserves credit Because he plays and does vocals, but then again he kinda sucked at both so he's towards the bottom of my list. I play bass...
  12. sceloporus

    rank these thrash metal vocalists from best to worst

    Yeah it wasn't as good, but he still has an amazing voice and great range. And I still think a weak vocal performance by him is better than most of the others on the list.
  13. sceloporus

  14. sceloporus

    Brutal/Slam Death Metal

    Thanks guys, the only one I've heard is Poppy Seed Grinder(which I like) So I'll check 'em out.