Controversial opinions on metal

I don't like Emperor, either, hate the keyboards. I also dislike Show No Mercy, but also Pleasure to Kill and Bonded By Blood, I don't really like the high pitched vocals but I love operatic vocals like Rob Halford, Bruce Dickinson and James LaBrie.
I have only been able to get into the last Emperor album "prometheus". The other ones are alright but nothing that sticks with me. I do like Ihsahns solo stuff though.

See and I am the exact opposite. :) I enjoy earlier Emperor right up to and including Anthems and think everything else after that is garbage. Also, Ihsahn's solo music and Peccatum are pretty fruity sounding to these ears.
Yeah, I really dig black metal like Wedard and Leviathan. I just think Emperor is boring as far as black metal goes

Emperor is fantastic as far as black metal goes. Leviathan on the other hand is a snooze fest.

As far as ranking Slayer albums:

Anyone talking shit about Leviathan can suck a dick, because the whole of that band's output dwarfs just about every band aside from the absolute classics. It's easily some of the best of the genre, and without a doubt in the top post-2000 BM bands.

Regarding Emperor, I think anyone who can tolerate lo-fi BM should absolutely check out Wrath Of The Tyrant. It's seriously underrated, especially considering how well known the band is. So many people will blab on about Anthems, when it's merely a very good album. The ITNE album and earlier are where it's at. WotT/Emperor is a great cd to pick up.
I don't know why you laugh, when most bands struggle to put together 3-5 coherent releases, while Leviathan has upwards of 10. The guy has done somewhere around 20 full lengths between Leviathan/Lurker of Chalice.

Maybe the most esteemed bands of the decade, like Drudkh and DsO have done more, but I stand by my statement of Leviathan being a top band of the last 10 years.