Controversial opinions on metal

Nordland I is a fucking epic album. I'd say it's definitely up there.

Wow you´re the first one to agree with me on that one:)
Every song but one is completely awesome on that album,it´s kinda strange really since he had released a whole bunch of uninspired albums in the 90´s and then came this record which is the opposite.
The only song i dont like that much is Broken Sword. Vinterblot is my favorite song,so heavy and you feel like such a fucking hedon when listening to it. Dragons Breath is awesome and sounds really evil with the twisted riffing,and the chorus again is majestic like Vinterblot. Same with Mother Earth Father Thunder,heavy ass music. Ring of Gold is beautiful.
I think Seasons is their best album. I guess I'm an uber n00b with extremely bad taste in pop music. I'm about to go check my mailbox to see if my new issue of People magazine has arrived. I hear it has a 16 page feature on Heath Ledger & style tips from Angelina Jolie.
Coming from an avid fan of brutal Death Metal I'm not surprised at all. The typical Swedish sound is about as far removed from brutal Death as possible. There are, however, some Swedish Death Metal albums that would be far more appealing to someone of your tastes as opposed to what you've already tried. I suggest listening to these albums before completely writing the scene off:

Carbonized - For the Security
Liers in Wait - Spiritually Uncontrolled Art
Luciferion - Demonication: The Manifest
Necrony - Pathological Performances
Seance - Fornever Laid to Rest
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum

Beyond Sanctorum is quite easily the best Swedish Death Metal album btw. ;)
Thanks. I know I'll probably never be too into it, but I at least want to here some stuff that makes me understand why other people are into.
Slaughter of the Soul kicks ass. though in general not controversial. it is on these forums =p
haha, Aces High is a fave of mine, it's because of Iron Maiden's
past sucess, just as with Metallica, though the quality of their new stuff is far worse than Maiden's. It may sound a bit different with current production, but I still think that with all the nu-metal coming out that people just don't appericate singing as much as they did 15 years ago.

I just want to make it clear that it's not because Maiden's early songs were bad, because that's not the case.
I think that if those albums came out now, though, they would stand up to anything in that style that's been recorded since. People would still be like "this fucking kicks ass." They might not be landmarks if they came out now because millions of bands have already ripped them off, but they'd still make waves.

um... yeah there are plenty of guitarists who blow them out of the water in terms of skill but how many fucking metal bands can write amazing fucking classic songs like Captor of Sin or Hell Awaits? i can count the amount on a single hand. that's why even though slayer is FAR beyond their prime today their old shit is always going to be beat virtually anything else in the entire metal world.
I meant as lead guitarists, really. As far as the riffs, mostly they aren't even that good, they just somehow create great songs. I dunno...

King is a shitty player. He even admitted that he can't solo for shit. But Hanneman can be a pretty decent player. Listen to the solo on Seasons of the Abyss. It's not incredible, but it's both tolerable and pretty decent. And it's the riffs that make them good.
My opinion is that if your solo doesn't add to the song, it shouldn't be there. Just make the song shorter.
And theirs don't, for the most part.

I'm bound to get shit for this: I can't get into Emperor at all. They are probably the one black metal band I like the least
epic fail.
but I accept your epic failure.

Slaughter of the Soul kicks ass. though in general not controversial. it is on these forums =p
