Controversial opinions on metal

I reckon A Blaze... is the weakest, with Transilvanian Hunger being the best. I have a controversial opinion in believing that Panzerfaust is their second best album.
For me it's ABitNS >UaFM>TH. I don't know how controversial/unusual that is, though. And I agree that Panzerfaust is right up there with the unholy trinity. However, I think none of their other black metal albums come close.
I guess this is probably controversial to some...
Except for a few songs off of Chaosphere, Meshuggah annoys the piss out of me. I've recently come to this conclusion after hearing their new album.
Not that controversial. I generally find Meshuggah as boring as fuck. All of their songs sound the same, and all of their albums sound the same (well, their debut album is slightly different, and probably their best).
When did I say nu-metal is metal? I know it's not, I'm just saying I like the genre.

Slipknot's my favorite band, so what? I've listened to a ton of other bands, and I just like Slipknot more. It's not a big deal, I still like heavier stuff, I just prefer Slipknot. My other favs are Behemoth, Children Of Bodom, Katatonia, and Slayer, what about them?

I'll go through my music library and see what opinions I can rattle off here:

-The Crusher is better than any AA albums thereafter.

-Behemoth's Black Metal material eclipses the Death Metal era.

-Soulside Journey is great, but a masterpiece? No way.

-Grand Declaration of War is shite.
I strongly disagree with the first one. Versus the World is far, far better as an album.
As for Behemoth, I'm not sure. I really enjoy the Apostasy, and if they had done the same vocals on it as on Demigod, it would have fucking owned. Demigod is a solid album, no more. Slaves Shall Serve and Conquer All are career highlights, but the rest of the album lacks their awesomeness.
Some of their black metal stuff is great. Some of it sucks.
I only count their death metal period as being the last two, although I haven't heard ZKC, Satanica, Pandemonic Incantations, and Thelema 6.66 I consider blackened death while the last 2 are death or borderline tech death with a black metal atmosphere.
I'd say give them another album or two and their death metal will eclipse their black metal. It's all good, though.
For Soulside, I agree. Very good, but not such a masterpiece.
As for Grand Declaration, I can't form an opinion on it, it's just fucking weird and mildly annoying.

I need more AA. I only have the latest and the debut.
Get Versus the world. Their heaviest by far, but also their most varied and full of epic win.

They had one of the biggest influences on Extreme metal, both Black and Death metal. Musically speaking? Dave Lombardo is awesome, and so is Jeff. They pushed extremeness and heavyness to a new level.
Lombardo's drumming was good on RiB and SoH. Hanneman and King are shitty guitarists who have been eclipsed by legions of death metal guitarists who took their wild, out-of-control style and made it tolerable to listen to.

Anyways, could someone recommend me something to listen to by them?
Whichever is shortest. They're boring, tbh. If you're really into technical/progressive music you might be able to overcome the lack of hooks because they are very talented musicians and the music is very technical, but frankly I don't find it interesting and I doubt you will either.

Very controversial opinion here:
Mayhem by-and-large blow chunks.
Except for the fact that Deathcrush is absolutely fucking awesome, and De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas isn't too far behind.

Deathcrush is caveman music, tbh. It's enjoyable once or twice as a lesson in how not to create music. It's primitive in every sense of the word. I don't mind it, but really, 20 minutes of that is more than enough. As for De Mysteriis, I can't even get past the fucking vocals. The music is fine, but doesn't strike me as anything special. The only reason Mayhem are so highly regarded, imo, is because of all the shit that happened. Sure, Deathcrush is influential, but they wouldn't be anywhere near as legendary as they are if that stuff(Dead, Varg, etc) hadn't happened.
Deathcrush is caveman music, tbh. It's enjoyable once or twice as a lesson in how not to create music. It's primitive in every sense of the word. I don't mind it, but really, 20 minutes of that is more than enough. As for De Mysteriis, I can't even get past the fucking vocals. The music is fine, but doesn't strike me as anything special. The only reason Mayhem are so highly regarded, imo, is because of all the shit that happened. Sure, Deathcrush is influential, but they wouldn't be anywhere near as legendary as they are if that stuff(Dead, Varg, etc) hadn't happened.

I think its also a matter of when these albums were released. They were original and it was something new. Had a band today released a album sounding just like any of the old classics, be it Iron Maiden or Mayhem I dont think they would get the same amount of praise. Alot of music does have to do with timing. Then of course after a few years people will see if the album can hold its own as well against new "competition".
Unfortunately, my favorite early Mayhem songs didn't make it to to Deathcrush, namely Ghoul and Carnage. Also, for early Mayhem fans, Vomit and Kvikksolvguttene are definitely worth looking into. Kvikksolvguttene's full-length, Krieg, even features a cover of Ghoul. Two of the Vomit guys were briefly in Mayhem in 1987, so it's not very surprising. Necrobutcher was in Kvikksolvguttene too, so there you go.
A Blaze in the Northern Sky is awful


Unfortunately, my favorite early Mayhem songs didn't make it to to Deathcrush, namely Ghoul and Carnage. Also, for early Mayhem fans, Vomit and Kvikksolvguttene are definitely worth looking into. Kvikksolvguttene's full-length, Krieg, even features a cover of Ghoul. Two of the Vomit guys were briefly in Mayhem in 1987, so it's not very surprising. Necrobutcher was in Kvikksolvguttene too, so there you go.

So is Kvikksolvguttene death metal? I will check out Vomit for sure.
No shit. That was the entire fucking point. It's Black Metal from 1987, what more can you expect? Keyboards and flowery melodies? If this is lost on you then there's little point in further discussing this.
I understand all that.
I'm saying that I find that style unappealing. I like raw production just fine, but not a big fan of shitty songwriting.

I think its also a matter of when these albums were released. They were original and it was something new. Had a band today released a album sounding just like any of the old classics, be it Iron Maiden or Mayhem I dont think they would get the same amount of praise. Alot of music does have to do with timing. Then of course after a few years people will see if the album can hold its own as well against new "competition".
But I think Iron Maiden, if released now, would be well received. Except that it would be compared to iron maiden...basically, Iron Maiden's 80s stuff hasn't really been surpassed. And they're still releasing stuff that doesn't sound like a band past their prime.