Controversial opinions on metal

Controversial Opinion: I really don't like the old school Swedish Death scene. I just can't hear anything good in it and it puzzles me as to why it is popular. I have tried to listen to Entombed, Dismember, At the Gates and Grave.

Coming from an avid fan of brutal Death Metal I'm not surprised at all. The typical Swedish sound is about as far removed from brutal Death as possible. There are, however, some Swedish Death Metal albums that would be far more appealing to someone of your tastes as opposed to what you've already tried. I suggest listening to these albums before completely writing the scene off:

Carbonized - For the Security
Liers in Wait - Spiritually Uncontrolled Art
Luciferion - Demonication: The Manifest
Necrony - Pathological Performances
Seance - Fornever Laid to Rest
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum

Beyond Sanctorum is quite easily the best Swedish Death Metal album btw. ;)
No it doesn't, please go back to not posting.


True that Brutal DM is more likely to be brutal than Technical DM is to impress me, but Technical has a general tendency to be more interesting. There are some great Brutal DM bands out there like Skinless though, not taking away from the genre.
I must say i prefer the Florida and Dutch-scenes before the Stockholm scene when it comes to dm,a lot of the old Stockholm bands had a very generic and uninspired sound with records with songs that all sounded the same,just variatons of the same riff over the standard kick-snare-kick-snare drums. But there are exceptions of course,like Entombeds Clandestine which is a completely different thing,or stuff like Beyond Sanctorum of course but that isn´t representative for the Stockholm sound.
This post stemmed from another "AC/DC are/aren't metal" discussion in the non-metal forum. I've well and truly said my piece in that thread, so I'll just say this here: The evolution of metal came from rock music getting harder, so obviously the line is going to be blurred. The purely blues-based rock bands of the seventies were only regarded as metal by some people because the genre was still in its infancy and had yet to be clearly defined imo. I don't think of AC/DC as metal band even though they influenced and helped define the genre to an extent. Their music is pure Hard Rock, there's nothing metal about it. Slayer will always be regarded as metal because the genre is established and defined now, and this doesn't mean it can't evolve further, but the bands who shaped the genre through the glory years have well and truly cemented their place in metal history.

I would consider Zeppelin metal.

But I've even heard some people say that Sabbath isn't metal. They were idiots.
what do you think of the video for limp bizkit - 'rollin'?

is that goofy or is it not old enough for you to be able to notice goofyness?
Limp Bizkit is a shit band.

so basically you are saying that you don't like metal
I love metal, I just love other genres too. You may pride yourself on being tr00, but in the end you're just some judgemental elitist prick. Fuck off.

- recent trends here, and the general "accept everyone as they are" attitude would suggest a number of people like nu-metal and are proud of it.
- i think burzum is tremedously overrated and i dont listen to any of it at all either (a number of ppl share this viewpoint)
- marduk and anthrax do in fact suck
- liking slipknot to me is no worse than liking meshuggah
- i dont listen to any power metal ... he doesn't listen to any black metal. im sure there are plenty of people out there that dont listen to particular genres.

the question therefore begs; why is it ok to agree/accept one of his statements, but not all at once?
We may disagree on some things, but you're a respectable person. Thanks.

I think that GWAR wouldn't be where they are now if they dressed like people.
I think that's pretty damn obvious.

actually i agree with the marduk and anthrax statement... the other comments are laughable
This is a thread for controversial opinions on metal, I posted mine. So what? I don't think like you, so I don't like metal? I'm not a metalhead? I don't fit in here? I don't belong here? Fuck you. Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Nu-metal, Metalcore, Rock, hell, even classical, if it's good I'll listen to it. If you don't like it, too damn bad.

inb4 "but no nu-metal/metalcore is good"
Some metalcore is good.
With nu-metal, very little is tolerable.
Not a blanket statement that anything associated with nu-metal and metalcore sucks, I simply have a strong dislike for those styles.
Limp Bizkit is a shit band.

I love metal, I just love other genres too. You may pride yourself on being tr00, but in the end you're just some judgemental elitist prick. Fuck off.

We may disagree on some things, but you're a respectable person. Thanks.

I think that's pretty damn obvious.

This is a thread for controversial opinions on metal, I posted mine. So what? I don't think like you, so I don't like metal? I'm not a metalhead? I don't fit in here? I don't belong here? Fuck you. Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Nu-metal, Metalcore, Rock, hell, even classical, if it's good I'll listen to it. If you don't like it, too damn bad.

inb4 "but no nu-metal/metalcore is good"

Metalcore is a great genre, imo.

Nu-metal, though, is actually not metal despite the notion implied by it's name. It's an okay genre, if you take it as it is (a genre of rock).

Also, if you like Slipknot more than any other band, you really need to find some other stuff, because the bottom line is that they are really just completely and utterly untalented as musicians and songwriters (as it regards to Metalcore, because Corey Taylor is pretty damn good with Stone Sour.)

Controversial opinion of the day...
I like Limp Bizkit. As goofy as they may be, I can't help but enjoy their music (not saying they're metal at all).
(Disregard that last album with Eat You Alive and The Who cover)
I thought if I go on youtube and watch lip bizkit I may find I actually enjoy it in a guilty way. I found it boring and mildly annoying.
Well I pretty much hate new death metal. This whole "br000tal/brutal" thing really gets on my fucking nerves. I prefer the old school death metal like Morbid Angel, Death, etc...I have a really hard time tolerating new death metal because to me, all that crap sounds the same. They play 29943894893 miles an hour and I can't understand one god damn word the vocalist is "grunting." They all sound like cookie monster on crack.
Just my opinion. Don't get on your periods about it.