Controversial opinions on metal

Metalcore is a great genre, imo.

Nu-metal, though, is actually not metal despite the notion implied by it's name. It's an okay genre, if you take it as it is (a genre of rock).

Also, if you like Slipknot more than any other band, you really need to find some other stuff, because the bottom line is that they are really just completely and utterly untalented as musicians and songwriters (as it regards to Metalcore, because Corey Taylor is pretty damn good with Stone Sour.)

Controversial opinion of the day...
I like Limp Bizkit. As goofy as they may be, I can't help but enjoy their music (not saying they're metal at all).
(Disregard that last album with Eat You Alive and The Who cover)
When did I say nu-metal is metal? I know it's not, I'm just saying I like the genre.

Slipknot's my favorite band, so what? I've listened to a ton of other bands, and I just like Slipknot more. It's not a big deal, I still like heavier stuff, I just prefer Slipknot. My other favs are Behemoth, Children Of Bodom, Katatonia, and Slayer, what about them?
I'll go through my music library and see what opinions I can rattle off here:

-The Crusher is better than any AA albums thereafter.

-Crionics is the best blackened death metal band.

-Behemoth's Black Metal material eclipses the Death Metal era.

-Celestia are overrated.

-Soulside Journey is great, but a masterpiece? No way.

-Under a Funeral Moon is the worst of the trio.

-Blodhemn is better than Vikingligr Veldi.

-later Gorgoroth doesn't suck as much as it's said to, but they did go downhill after Under the Sign of Hell (which is their best).

-The production ruins a lot of potential on Facta Loquuntur and Thousand Swords.

-Grand Declaration of War is shite.

-Most Summoning albums are better than Dol Guldur, including Lugburz. However, all their albums are excellent.
When did I say nu-metal is metal? I know it's not, I'm just saying I like the genre.

Slipknot's my favorite band, so what? I've listened to a ton of other bands, and I just like Slipknot more. It's not a big deal, I still like heavier stuff, I just prefer Slipknot. My other favs are Behemoth, Children Of Bodom, Katatonia, and Slayer, what about them?

Children of Bodom is gay, Katatonia is not my style, and Slayer is overrated.
I'll go through my music library and see what opinions I can rattle off here:

Some interesting ones here...

-Behemoth's Black Metal material eclipses the Death Metal era.

Agreed. This shouldn't be controversial at all though. ;)

-Celestia are overrated.

Agreed again, except I'd take it one step further and state that they fucking suck immensely.

-Under a Funeral Moon is the worst of the trio.

I reckon A Blaze... is the weakest, with Transilvanian Hunger being the best. I have a controversial opinion in believing that Panzerfaust is their second best album.

-The production ruins a lot of potential on Facta Loquuntur and Thousand Swords.

I'm going to guess you have the digipack re-release of Facta Loquuntur? If so, whoever "remastered" it attempted to beef up the production and absolutely fucking ruined the album's charm. Try to download the original version (perhaps you have and have the same problems, entirely understandable, it's not for everyone) - it's much rougher and a fair bit quieter. There's a huge difference. Imagine Transilvanian Hunger remastered with thick production, for example.

Thousand Swords is perfect though.

-Grand Declaration of War is shite.

This also DEFINITELY shouldn't be controversial. Abysmal album.
I'm going to guess you have the digipack re-release of Facta Loquuntur? If so, whoever "remastered" it attempted to beef up the production and absolutely fucking ruined the album's charm. Try to download the original version (perhaps you have and have the same problems, entirely understandable, it's not for everyone) - it's much rougher and a fair bit quieter. There's a huge difference. Imagine Transilvanian Hunger remastered with thick production, for example.

I got it on a data CD from Mathias. Not sure which version he owns.
I love metal, I just love other genres too. You may pride yourself on being tr00, but in the end you're just some judgemental elitist prick. Fuck off.

This is a thread for controversial opinions on metal, I posted mine. So what? I don't think like you, so I don't like metal? I'm not a metalhead? I don't fit in here? I don't belong here? Fuck you. Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Nu-metal, Metalcore, Rock, hell, even classical, if it's good I'll listen to it. If you don't like it, too damn bad.

inb4 "but no nu-metal/metalcore is good"

You're a tad touchy aren't you? You posted an opinion, expect someone else to have an opinion opposing yours. That's the way it works.