Controversial opinions on metal

posting it so other people don't have to look

But I think Iron Maiden, if released now, would be well received. Except that it would be compared to iron maiden...basically, Iron Maiden's 80s stuff hasn't really been surpassed. And they're still releasing stuff that doesn't sound like a band past their prime.

I seriously doubt that, it would seem extremely dated, I mean I think must people would simply giggle at it, maybe maybe if they didn't wear the spandex.....
I understand all that.
I'm saying that I find that style unappealing. I like raw production just fine, but not a big fan of shitty songwriting.

What is it about Deathcrush's songwriting that you find shitty? I'm not trying to come off as an asshole or anything, I'm just genuinely curious as I personally feel that it features some of the finest songwriting of any metal album I've ever heard. I also feel that it embodies the true essence of metal more than just about any other release I have come across.

I'll also second the mentioning of Vomit and Kvikksolvguttene, as they're both really damn great.
I seriously doubt that, it would seem extremely dated, I mean I think must people would simply giggle at it, maybe maybe if they didn't wear the spandex.....
Ok...then why did Maiden's recent/current "back-to-the-80's" tour do so well?
The songs kick ass, flat out. There's no question, stuff like Aces High and Hallowed Be Thy Name holds up against anything that's been released since. It doesn't sound dated at all.

What is it about Deathcrush's songwriting that you find shitty? I'm not trying to come off as an asshole or anything, I'm just genuinely curious as I personally feel that it features some of the finest songwriting of any metal album I've ever heard. I also feel that it embodies the true essence of metal more than just about any other release I have come across.
The riffs didn't do anything for me. The playing seems sloppy (it is), the level of musicianship is extremely low, and it's generally unpleasant to listen to. I don't know what else to say. There's nothing about it I like. I liked the idea of caveman metal at first, but it got boring fast and now it's just painful.
Ok...then why did Maiden's recent/current "back-to-the-80's" tour do so well?
The songs kick ass, flat out. There's no question, stuff like Aces High and Hallowed Be Thy Name holds up against anything that's been released since. It doesn't sound dated at all.

The riffs didn't do anything for me. The playing seems sloppy (it is), the level of musicianship is extremely low, and it's generally unpleasant to listen to. I don't know what else to say. There's nothing about it I like. I liked the idea of caveman metal at first, but it got boring fast and now it's just painful.
haha, Aces High is a fave of mine, it's because of Iron Maiden's
past sucess, just as with Metallica, though the quality of their new stuff is far worse than Maiden's. It may sound a bit different with current production, but I still think that with all the nu-metal coming out that people just don't appericate singing as much as they did 15 years ago.

I just want to make it clear that it's not because Maiden's early songs were bad, because that's not the case.
haha, Aces High is a fave of mine, it's because of Iron Maiden's
past sucess, just as with Metallica, though the quality of their new stuff is far worse than Maiden's. It may sound a bit different with current production, but I still think that with all the nu-metal coming out that people just don't appericate singing as much as they did 15 years ago.

old maiden destroys everything.

aces high is zomgwtfbbq i just creamed myself awesome
This is a thread for controversial opinions on metal, I posted mine. So what? I don't think like you, so I don't like metal? I'm not a metalhead? I don't fit in here? I don't belong here? Fuck you. Death Metal, Thrash Metal, Nu-metal, Metalcore, Rock, hell, even classical, if it's good I'll listen to it. If you don't like it, too damn bad.

I just want you to know that your use of explitives is deeply offensive. :lol:
Hanneman and King are shitty guitarists who have been eclipsed by legions of death metal guitarists who took their wild, out-of-control style and made it tolerable to listen to.

um... yeah there are plenty of guitarists who blow them out of the water in terms of skill but how many fucking metal bands can write amazing fucking classic songs like Captor of Sin or Hell Awaits? i can count the amount on a single hand. that's why even though slayer is FAR beyond their prime today their old shit is always going to be beat virtually anything else in the entire metal world.
I think Nordland I is on the same level as Blood Fire Death,Hammerheart and Twilight Of The Gods,and seem to be the only one in the world to think so. Maybe it´s my special relationship with that album.
Lombardo's drumming was good on RiB and SoH. Hanneman and King are shitty guitarists who have been eclipsed by legions of death metal guitarists who took their wild, out-of-control style and made it tolerable to listen to.
King is a shitty player. He even admitted that he can't solo for shit. But Hanneman can be a pretty decent player. Listen to the solo on Seasons of the Abyss. It's not incredible, but it's both tolerable and pretty decent. And it's the riffs that make them good.

A Blaze in the Northern Sky is awful
Your awful.
I think its also a matter of when these albums were released. They were original and it was something new. Had a band today released a album sounding just like any of the old classics, be it Iron Maiden or Mayhem I dont think they would get the same amount of praise. Alot of music does have to do with timing. Then of course after a few years people will see if the album can hold its own as well against new "competition".
Not sure about that. Take Watain for example lots of DMDS worship going on there and they get alot of praise. And DMDS is obv better then anything Watain has released so it would probably be well recieved even today. :-P