Ödemarkens Son

This album is unique, it makes me feel like Im outside in nature no other album reflects that from what I have heard.One song sounds like a band of Indians coming to kill the white man or something. Im not swedish so I don't understand what V is saying, but I think the music talks to me from the 3rd eye, very creative album indeed. Good guitar solos on this album too, always a plus for me.
You're right man, as it says behind the CD in the note from Mr. V, he tried to convey the feeling of mother nature in his music, and really Vintersorg is the only person who has created music so far that puts me in a different place...
it took me very long to perceive the booklet of Ödemarkens Son in the correct way :Spin: actually it was more by accident that i saw the up-side-down map of scandinavia on the last page of the booklet.

or am i seeing things that don't exist :guh:

and I prefer older albums up to Cosmic Genesis to the last two albums.
to me, CG was the top and Hedniskhjärtad was the grand kick-off start.
the last two albums I still havn't gotten into yet, maybe it takes more time to get used to them.
it's not with all bands this way. There are bands whose newer works i like more.
Pi said:
I recenlty got this album, I have all releases after this one as well, and i think this album is a masterpiece. I like all them all but this one my favorite. I have no idea what the lyrics mean and it doesnt matter. Thank you Vintersorg for bringing more depth and meaning into the music i listen too.
Cool Man!! A good example that the music can itself be the medium of emotions..you don't always have to read along in the booklet to understand and explore an album...it's a good start just trying to sink into the music...which many people seem to have forgotten these days!!Cheers!

mr V
I was Just sent a copy of this Album like 2 weeks ago it was my First Vintersorg Experince and What an Experience it was! Now keeping in mind I dont know a Word of swedish ... I found the Music and Vocals to be Very Emotional and Powerful and even tho I couldnt understand the words I could understand the Feeling that was put into the music Very good stuff I look forward to Hearing more! Keep up the good work!
"Hedniskhjärtad", "Till fjälls" and specially "Ödemarkens Son" are masterpieces!(And of course the Otyg records) I don't like the stuff after that...Can't find the spirit in the new music. And if there is a spirit, I don't like it as I have previously stated...

Move back into a cabin in the forrest Vintersorg!! ;-)
Futhark said:
"Hedniskhjärtad", "Till fjälls" and specially "Ödemarkens Son" are masterpieces!(And of course the Otyg records) I don't like the stuff after that...Can't find the spirit in the new music. And if there is a spirit, I don't like it as I have previously stated...

Move back into a cabin in the forrest Vintersorg!! ;-)
...and keep recording the same type of album time after time???...boring!!!

mr V
I really discovered this album a lot more on vacation a few weeks ago and it became the only album I listened to while away. I've had it for some time now, but for some reason it just clicked out there. Now I was out on a lake most of time, so maybe being in nature made it even better, but this album just rules and I can certainly see why so many people adore it. I don't know a word of swedish, but that doesn't stop me from wanting to sing along. :loco: Should make great company on some winter ventures in the mountains down the road.

I've yet to hear a band/song in which mr. V was involved that wasn't great, that's quite an achievement, especially seeing how his music has evolved from the EP to The Focusing Blur, yet has remained great all the way along.
Vintersorg said:
...and keep recording the same type of album time after time???...boring!!!

mr V

Damn right! its a good thing you dont rehash the same old sound over and over again! I have Visions also and it is a Great Record too I have a Hard time Picking which I like Better! Like I said Keep up the good work!
Vintersorg said:
...and keep recording the same type of album time after time???...boring!!!

mr V

Maybe boring for you, but not for me and dozens of others! hehehe...;) But for Gods' sake, if you don't have the passion, don't do it. But I wish you really had.. In my opinion the best songs are from that period. That's my view!

So here's a new deal(or a new digression?!), you'll get back to basic and make "Ödemarkens Son" songs with Vintersorg (just to stay true to your fans like a Manowar thingy,heh) and the physics prog-stuff with Fission(It is a more suitable bandname aswell, I mean what does Margit Sandemo's Vintersorg from Isfolket have in common with the last two/three records?) Kick out Asgeir(let him continue in Fission though) and start progging drums on your computer again. Steve can also work with Fission because you play cooler bass than him in the old Vintersorg. This sounds much better or what?? hehe.. :)
I think to develope oneself is a good thing! Would be quite boring, if all people would do all the same again and again (I think we had that before: a world with all people having the same opinion would be a really boring damned place! Some tolerance would be great for this world... just let everybody have his/ her own style and thoughts)... so I agree to the new albums being some steps forward and different! And... Futhark... it`s not that Vintersorg denies his old albums or sth., they stay for us to listen to as long as we live. And if really you miss that typical "nature-viking"-style so much (which on one hand I also understand), then there are a lot of other (or Newcomer-) bands making music in that style, which you can check out... there should be enough material like this around to enjoy. But also I think, maybe one day you`ll get a feeling for the newer Vintersorg albums, too... it`s like many said before: you really have to listen to them MORE than one or two times... after a couple of listenings you`ll discover more and more details, that are great. (... MY humble opinion...)
Here's something that hasn't been disscussed: Asgeir Mickleson and Steve DiGiorgio are amazing. They're the reason I discovered Vintersorg in the first place, and I think they add a lot to the music.
I don't like their contribution to the music and I find the music more personal when he does everything himself. ;)
Futhark said:
I don't like their contribution to the music and I find the music more personal when he does everything himself. ;)
Asgeir Mickleson is more personal than a machine. And I think Steve adds a lot to the music, but we're all entitled to our opinions.
The new Vintersorg took me a while to get into but I know see the respect it should gain, I think its kinda of better than the new Borknagar album, if you were to comapre the two as far as amount of skill and musicianship gathered from the past few years in its creation. Spiral A rules. Asgeir Mickleson and Steve DiGiorgio (great)!
Vintersorg said:
Cool Man!! A good example that the music can itself be the medium of emotions..you don't always have to read along in the booklet to understand and explore an album...it's a good start just trying to sink into the music...which many people seem to have forgotten these days!!Cheers!

mr V

I have no idea what the lyrics are to 99% of the tunes i listen too. The lyrics could be about little kittens and flowers to virgins on the altar of sacrafice. I dont really want to know the lyrics most of the time, i just listen to the vocals and blend them in with the music. Vocals are just another instrument to me. Plus if i put the lyrical meaning to the music, i feel it puts a label on it and throws it into some category. With this removed the music can be about anything and everything. I believe Seal said it best as to why he doesnt put lyrics in his albums as he says people are going to sing what they want to sing regardless if they think they are singing the lyrics right or not. When friends hear the tunes i have on, they usually say, it is a good song but it would be better if i could understand what they are singing. I usually say why do you need to understand the lyrics to make the song better? But that america for you.

BTW, Love the new Borknagar album. Lots of great music. This album seems to have more of MR. V's influence.
Vintersorg said:
...and keep recording the same type of album time after time???...boring!!!

mr V

You don't have to record the same typ of album, but at least sing your songs on Swedish. The thing that made you unique was your lyrics. Please develop you music, but ones again seek your roots in mother nature and write you songs on Swedish.

Prove that you ain't a cosmopolitan but a "pöjkflip" från Skellefteå and prove that in your unsurpassable music and lyrics.

Best Regards