Ödemarkens Son

I still prefer the first records & Otyg, the viking/swedish era, but cant really get into the new stuff.
That's the way u want to evolve, dont want u want, i still have respect for your previous work Mr V.
I understand that it s useless to continue in a way u dont have anymore the spirit/the mind on...
Maybe u should have created a new band for your new inspiration...
I have all albums but hedniskhjartad and they all are cool (I like the most 'Till Fjalls'). And maybe mix old and new style? With Swedish songs?

... depending on the angle ...
rmbt said:
I have all albums but hedniskhjartad and they all are cool (I like the most 'Till Fjalls'). And maybe mix old and new style? With Swedish songs?

... depending on the angle ...

if your favourite is till fjälls then hedniskhjärtad is not an option; it's almost as good at times
Ödemarken Son is personnaly my favorite album. I'm also a lot into Till Fjälls, Hedniskjärtad and Cosmic Genesis. VFTSG and TFB are pretty good, but perhaps a bit too "techno". For the matter and physics related stuff, I prefer Borknagar (in which band, mr. V, you made a terriffic job, perfectly keeping up to Vortex, which is a VERY hard thing to do, considering Vortex's mind blowing voice).

My feeling is that, if more albums would've sounded like the early times, then there would be no early time to appreciate more than the rest, so in a way, the differences between every albums are for the best.

I'd wish every albums would sound like Ödemarken Son, but its only a wish, and it has to stay like that, cause that's what makes Ödermarken Son so special.

:rock: :rock: :rock:
All the Vintersorg CDs are very great and interesting. All CDs have particular elements with the Vintersorg trade mark. The first Pagan metal age, and the new progressive age.
My favourites CDs are "Till Fjälls", Ödemarkens Son and "VFTSG" .
Hail Vintersorg!

Sorath said:
The earlier the better, that is the general rule to follow and it applies to Vintersorg.

I think this is very true and does apply to Vintersorg as well. The first Vintersorg cd I bought was Till Fjalls. I was so impressed with it that I bought Odemarkens Son, Cosmic Genesis, and Visions from the Spiral Generator all at the same time. I loved Odemarkens Son immediately. I didn't really like Cosmic Genesis at first but a few listens revealed to me how great that album really is and now I love it. I don't really care for Visions that much. It isn't a bad album, it is actually quite good, but doesn't compare to the greatness of the first 3. Till Fjalls is a masterpiece and it would be really hard to top that.

It is strange that I would like the first 3 more than the others because I don't speak a word of swedish. (I know the majority of Cosmic Genesis is in english) The music and his voice carry some power that any words couldn't.

It is Vintersorg's choice to go in a different direction if he wants. I may or may not follow. It doesn't really matter because he left me with three albums that I love and will listen to for a long time.
I have all Vintersorg CDs, Empiricism from Borknagar and Otyg's Sagovindars Boning.

My opinion is that all of these CDs are special in specific ways.
They are all very diffrent but I love them all because they are so emontional.
It's easier to get into stuff like "till fjälls" or "ödemarkens son" but VFTSG and TFB will never get boring. they need more listenings than the others but when you listen to VFTSG for 150 times there is still something you did not notice before. the new records are a lot more complex!
TFB just needs time to grow! So give it a try.

the only thing I don't like is that there are no swedish lyrics on the new album.

@Mr V.: I hope to see you at Metalcamp Slovenia! I hope you will not cancel the show like last year in austria
I plan on giving VFTSG a few more listens so maybe it will grow on me. I haven't heard TFB but I am sure I will pick it up eventually. If it's being compared to Arcturus I may have to get it pretty soon.
I think Ödemarkens Son and Cosmic Genesis are the best because of the mix of melody and heaviness, but I like OS because its still in Swedish (my main problem with the newer ones). As a white american male I have no real culture, and I slightly resent bands that don't use theirs, especially when switching from their language to english (stupid Shaman).

Lyrically, I can understand wandering to different topics, writing 6 cd's on nothing but nature might get repetitive.
The magic and mystic inside Ödemarkens Son and Till Fjälls is what made many of us start to learn swedish (even though some aborted the proyect - yes, I mean you) and personally it awoke a feeling I lost long time ago. I really thank Andreas for those albums. But life keeps on changing, and it's natural that his music has to evolve after so many years. What I deeply miss is some more swedish in the lyrics.
MetalMarianne said:
The magic and mystic inside Ödemarkens Son and Till Fjälls is what made many of us start to learn swedish (even though some aborted the proyect - yes, I mean you) and personally it awoke a feeling I lost long time ago. I really thank Andreas for those albums. But life keeps on changing, and it's natural that his music has to evolve after so many years. What I deeply miss is some more swedish in the lyrics.

Visions...where nearly 50 % swedish..and the nex one will have approximate the same blend of languages..

mr V
As a white american male I have no real culture, and I slightly resent bands that don't use theirs, especially when switching from their language to english (stupid Shaman).

I'm a white American male too, and I know that I'd probably switch from English to another language once in a while in my songs simply because it would be boring for me to sing in my native tongue all the time... I can't speak for anybody else but I'd imagine the same thing could happen no matter what language you speak.