
True Fan
Feb 5, 2005
California USA
AHAHA THIS SONG IS WEIRD!!!. what are they saying in it ???


if this is a stupid question, forgive me i am drunk as fuck.

just wanted to stop by the board to say whats up with all the anthrax family members.

by the way i might go to best buy tomorrow what should i get??? :

morbid angel - altars of madness
mudvayne - lost & found
new judas priest
priest - painkiller
iron maiden dance of death
3 inches of blood - (their cd i forgot the name)

i had these choiches in mind when i was there and didnt have any money. :yell:
Me and my congregation will study it and play it backwards. I´m sure it contains a description of how to build a efficient hybrid-engine and a way to poison the minds of FYR with liberalism and atheism.

Reverend Hamzdah has spoken.
I've always liked 13. I know most people think it's shit, it does sound weird but I like it. I know it's not what it is, but it always kinda sounded like they were saying neo geo (the video game console) to me! :loco: :lol:
Anthrax_Mosher said:
kool. Ive never heard the album, but i saw the box art and was like " that looks fuckin awesome ! :lol:

Dude, you're in for a treat then, to say the very least! The title track alone will BLOW YOU THE FUCK AWAY!!! :headbang:
Anthrax_Mosher said:
ill end up getting both if i get enough pay ! :lol:

Cool! Do whatever you want, but If I were you and I could only get one, I'd get Painkiller. It's arguably Judas Priest's best album, and imo the best album on that list.
they say something like I-Ko which stands for "let´s go" in Chinese, that´s what I read!
Buy Painkiller and then Dance Of Death, then Altars Of Madness.
They're saying "Leave, Go"...I heard the song was jokingly a way to exorcise a "ghost" in the studio. The # 13 kept coming up...13 reels of tape used in recording, etc. and strange things kept happening during recording. I think the crash at the end of the song is actually a light exploding or something. I remember reading about this in an old interview.