
AH but he does say at the end of Phantom of the Opera that " our stay in Japan has been very tremendous, it has been great. we'd like to thank....." SO this did come from a Japan show.... confused now? i'm getting there
Dark Chapter said:
ok, the EP and this full length are not the same show....
Keep in mind there's a high likelihood that the EP was "compiled" from the 5 or 6 shows they did in Japan, and probably not all from the same show. There's a really good chance that you've downloaded a complete 5-24-79 show, as that's the most well-known (to exist) SBD from that tour. And maybe in this case, it's actually from that show, and not from England. LOL, this is actually kind of funny, and part of what makes bootleg collecting so interesting to me. I love uncovering snapshots of a band's history.
markgugs said:
I have to respectfully disagree with you re: DoD not comparing. It's a well strong album, one of my favorites, and yes, this includes ALL their classics. FYI, I also consider Chemical Wedding to be a great, great album.

But beyond that, I have access to nearly 30 Dianno-era bootlegs, of varying quality, so if there's any one in particular you're interested in, let me know, and I can have it for you fairly soon. Though this reminds me that I'm slacking in getting NAD and Erik bootlegs of their own (Primus and Testament, respectively). :)
damn i totally missed this post and here i was worrying about you missing one of mine! Maiden always does quality work, maybe not consistently throughout an entire album but there is something to savor on all of them. I think i'm one of the few people who actually thought X-Factor AND Virtual XI were really good albums, thought the album covers were rather shameful. do you have a list of the Di'anno era boots with tracklistings as well? if so that would be great if i could see it.
markgugs said:
Keep in mind there's a high likelihood that the EP was "compiled" from the 5 or 6 shows they did in Japan, and probably not all from the same show. There's a really good chance that you've downloaded a complete 5-24-79 show, as that's the most well-known (to exist) SBD from that tour. And maybe in this case, it's actually from that show, and not from England. LOL, this is actually kind of funny, and part of what makes bootleg collecting so interesting to me. I love uncovering snapshots of a band's history.
yea that's true, i should have compared all of the songs on the EP to what was on the other album and see what's what with that...
Dark Chapter said:
damn i totally missed this post and here i was worrying about you missing one of mine! Maiden always does quality work, maybe not consistently throughout an entire album but there is something to savor on all of them. I think i'm one of the few people who actually thought X-Factor AND Virtual XI were really good albums, thought the album covers were rather shameful. do you have a list of the Di'anno era boots with tracklistings as well? if so that would be great if i could see it.
LOL, too much posting going on. :)

It'll take me a little bit to put together, but in the meantime, check out one of my friend's sites. He has GREAT info on tons of Maiden bootlegs, with tracklisting, sound quality ratings, etc.

www.sotcbootlegs.de.vu - just click Iron Maiden (or related, if you want to see Bruce solo stuff, Dianno, etc.), then the years/era you're interested in. Enjoy!
excellent thanks! i'll give it a look oh and none of the Maiden Japan EP songs match the Full "Maiden Japan" i d/led the other day... strange...
Hey Mark i have Maiden Japan on Vinyl and it says that the Ep was recorded at Kosei Nenkin Hall on May 23, 1981. So maybe your Sun Plaza 5-24-81 theory is correct? dunno but it sounds great no matter where it came from:grin: Also d/led 12-21-80 - Before the Exile and Live from Ipswitch 5-8-83.
Stop downloading those crappy MP3s!!!

I can get you ANYTHING you want in completely true-to-original form! I have the Ipswich show btw; also, the 5-26-83 show is one of - if not the best sounding NOTB tour shows available.

I just got 5-22-81 in case you wanted that one as well.
markgugs said:
Stop downloading those crappy MP3s!!!
haha i knew you'd say something to that effect...

markgugs said:
I can get you ANYTHING you want in completely true-to-original form! I have the Ipswich show btw; also, the 5-26-83 show is one of - if not the best sounding NOTB tour shows available.

I just got 5-22-81 in case you wanted that one as well.
yea i like the Ipswitch one, haven't heard the 5-26-83 show... how does the 5-22-81 Osaka one sound? better yet... how much would it cost me to get some shows from ya? i am however looking for the Skunkworks Live boot from Pamplone, Spain 5-31-96, any chance you have that?
It would never **cost** anything (other than perhaps some blank CDs and return postage, aka B(lanks)&P(ostage)). Call it hokey and fine-line-ish, but the second someone sells a bootleg recording, they're trying to make a profit off another artist's copywrited work. That's a no-no.

Now, TRADING it for basically free, well, what's the harm in that, right?

Anyway, here's the basics behind doing a B&P ---> www.mcnichol.com/bnp

The Osaka 5-22-81 show sounds ok, I gave it a B+ (based on the show being 22 years old now), not bad at all. Skunkworks live is a Bruce solo show, right? I'll look around and let you know.
not corny or hokey at all, that's the way it should be. alright if you can locate that Bruce solo boot then i'll send some blanks your way for that and the other SBD recording from 83 if that sounds good to you.
excellent thanks man i really appreciate it. wish i had something to offer you but the obly boots i have which are not mp3 sourced is Misfits and Samhain. If i remember correctly you didn't think too highly of Mr. Danzig:loco:
I don't want to make NAD upset but I saw a Danzig video (the one with sand in it) I can't remember. Well....I thought it was boring =< SOWWY!

Sand? Don't know that one. There are still several Danzig videos I haven't seen though, and since only a handful of them are available on DVD/VHS... :mad:
I'll bet it was Cantspeak if it had lightning (my favorite song).

Going Down to Die
Tired of Being Alive
When Death Had No Name (soooooo good, very doom-ish)
Naked Witch
Without Light, I Am

Many more, just ask myself or Dark Chapter. :)
oh oh oh, well now best song by solo Danzig?? damn, that's tough ok i'll start here:

She Rides
Soul on Fire
Twist of Cain
Evil Thing
When Death had no Name
Long Way Back from Hell
Snakes of Christ
Tired of Being Alive
Her Black Wings
Devils Plaything
Going Down to Die
I Don't Mind the Pain
Come to Silver

we'll start ya off there...:grin: