

Hey picked up the Probot disc, haven't opened it yet.
Got it at lunch time & was runnin' short on time. Will give it a proper spin on the way home.
Also picked up:
Stratovarius-Infinite Visions DVD
Deep Purple-When We Rock...
Edguy-King Of Fools
*was runnin' short on dough & didn't get
the Damageplan disc today. I guess there's always tomarrow?
I like the Probot disc so far. It'll be a good one to have. Damageplan I only got through the first track so far, which was good. I can tell I'll like the discs from what I've heard so far. Good stuff. As a side note...the DAMAGEPLAN disc better be good, dammit, because I had that and the King Diamond remaster of THEM/CONSPIRACY in my hands and had to decide. I knew I wanted probot so it came down to Diamond Darrell vs. Diamond Evil..haha Anyways, I really like Dimebag and his brother. To me they're a lot like a metal Van Halen. Any interview you read with one or both of those guys (Vinnie and Dime) is always entertaining, and Dime is a great guitarist. Ultimately I went with the Damageplan and will live to hunt down KD again...
saw that probot video with lemmy today-sounded good on the whole,but the boy sounded like he was holding the vocals back a bit,not lettin rip fully you know?cant wait to read the swine review on that one.
heard a lot about edguy-what are they like?
sixxswine said:
Hey picked up the Probot disc, haven't opened it yet.
Got it at lunch time & was runnin' short on time. Will give it a proper spin on the way home.
Also picked up:
Stratovarius-Infinite Visions DVD
Deep Purple-When We Rock...
Edguy-King Of Fools
*was runnin' short on dough & didn't get
the Damageplan disc today. I guess there's always tomarrow?

Sixx!!! What do ya think of King of fools! I love it :) The last song is funny as hell I'v never heard the words "I dont give a fukin shit" Sung so beautifully :D

Baldy, if ya like Power Metal in the vein of like say Iron Maiden meets Helloween you would dig this I think their Fucking great personaly
Greeno said:
Cool. Please let us know how these 2 are. What is the Stratovarius DVD, all live or misc stuff?
Strato DVD kicks ass, very good stuff.

Edguy? Well they have some great ideas so songs. I saw ideas because they seem unfinished. They have some killer riffs that are the backbone of the songs & they are oustanding musicians. Mind blowing choruses, they remind me of Def Leppard. I'm just not overly impressed with their lyrical content. They are lacking that department in a big way. The track King of Fools is the best track on this E.P. the "Bonus Track" being a "goof" on well, bonus tracks. That song can't be taken too seriously & I don't. I will get their record when it comes out, I'm vercurious what they will have on there. As side from King of Fools, the other tracks will be non-LP tracks. If I were the label I probably would have nixed this release. Why? Well, anyone checking this band out for the first time would probably avoid this band like the Asian Flu. I for one, being the masochist that I am will take the risk & either be blown away by the band or will be tell myself "I told you so" when I get the full length disc. I don't know if this helps?