2003: So Far...


Jul 15, 2002
Kokomo, IN
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2003 has already seen numerous albums hit stores with high expectations...here's they fared so far...in my book...

MARCH 26th: Linkin Park - Meteora - **1/2
Comments: A stellar, yet by-the-books album with no surprises...There's talent, but no balls...

APRIL 22nd: Black Label Society - The Blessed Hellride - ***1/2
Comments: Another kick-ass, ball-busting album from Mr.Wylde, unfortinately he needs a something new added to his music because I am getting tired of his formula...

MAY 15th - Anthrax - We've Come For You All - *****
Comments: 2003's CO-ALBUM OF THE YEAR, so far...Everything I expected...AND MORE! They delievered!

MAY 20th - Deftones - Deftones - ****
Comments: An album that takes the Deftones back where they started with adding a little of what's to come...

JUNE 5th - Metallica - St.Anger - *****
Comments: 2003's CO-ALBUM OF THE YEAR, so far...Metallica roars back and unleashes unheard of fury...Welcome back boys!

What's left on the release schedule:

JULY 22nd - Jane's Addiction - Strays
JULY 22nd - Superjoint Ritual - Lethal Dose Of American Hatred
JULY 29th - Spineshank - Self-Destructive Pattern
AUGUST 26th - Rancid - Indestructible
OCTOBER 26th - Hatebreed
NOVEMBER 6th - P.O.D - Payable On Death
? - Sepultura - Roorback (although I already have it...)
? - New Found Power

Anything else? Let me know?
I absolutely hate that new Deftones album! I think it's the worst piece of shit I've ever paid money for. That's what I get for not downloading it first and checking it out.
Linkin park you like the new justin timberlake album aswell they sound alike!!!

Hmmm been a good year, good album's, only down part of it is all this talk and hype everywere about the shitty $elloutica album that sounds like a washing machine
And the new tomahawk album fucking rulz new melvin's stuff comeing well a reissue but with 16 unrealsed tracks :D 2 new fantomas album lots of Patton stuff :hotjump: a new guns n roses album when were all liveing like the jetson's!

Hopefully we will get the old thrax stuff with John doing the vocals wooohooooooo new death angel end of this year or start of next lots of killer shit comeing out :hotjump: new mayhem album and darkthrone albums next year ahhhhhh so much metal!!!
How can you lump Black Label Society's "Hellride" in with those others (and Anthrax for that matter). Hellride (and Anthrax for that matter, again) was never expected to sell as many as maybe Metallica or Linkin Park or even the shitty Deftones. And saying you're "tired of Zakk's formula" is to me saying that your "tired" of the way pussy feels. It may be a different box around the meat, but in the end, it's ALWAYS great. Just my 2 cents. No personal attack meant, just needed to be stated.:wave:
Soilwork, shadows Fall, AFI, Armored Saint Symbol of Salvation re-issue, Girls Aloud (superb pop album even they were made by a tv show)

WCFYA is winning as album of the year though.

I think the new Maiden one is due this year too
Ohh and a new deicide album and king diamond! are were worthy i think not!!!!
anthrax_moshing_maniac said:
only down part of it is all this talk and hype everywere about the shitty $elloutica album that sounds like a washing machine

:lol: :lol:
That's GOOD!
Ugh. How can you lump St. "Everything sucks on the album but the first two songs" Anger with the new Anthrax as album of the year? New Nevermore is coming out in July. SO far though, the new Vital Remains has crushed all.
hmmm anthrax crushes so far. new soilwork leddin to a new direction,still a great cd! awaiting the new arch enemy,kalmah,iron maiden will crush!!!!!!!,night rage (featuring the incredible and talented screamer mr tomas lindenberg) new crown . maybe first amercan appearence from the insane children of bodom!!!! horns up everyone!!!! keep it sick and brutal!!!!:hotjump:
Feb 11, 2003 - Strapping Young Lad - SYL ****1/2

Apr 1, 2003 - Devin Townsend - Accellerated Evolution ****

Apr 22, 2003 - Black Label Society - The Blessed Hellride ****

Mar 4, 2003 - Voivod - Voivod ****

Mar 25, 2003 - Exploited - Fuck The System ***1/2
Mar 25, 2003 - Overkill - Kill Box 13 ****

May 6, 2003 - Turbonegro - Scandinavian Leather ****
May 6, 2003 - Anthrax - WCFYA ****1/2
May 6, 2003 - Tomahawk - Mit Gas ****1/2

Jun 5, 2003 - Metallica - St. Anger ***
Brentney Spears said:
WCFYA, Blessed Hellride and the new Superjoint are the only album's worth buying.

u took the words right out of my mouth in that order too,lets hope some other bands can come to the party and release something thats worth a shit!