2005 Just Got a Helluva Lot Better

Just listened Thousand Swords and fuck, that was really bad concidering how people see it as a "classic album".

If I want to hear similar stuff, I'd grap old Behemoth instead of that. Now someone give me From The Pagan Vastelands CD!

NP - Gorgoroth - Antichrist (really great stuff)
I can see why people consider it a classic, but in no way do I see it as Graveland's best.

Behemoth excels at mediocrity.
J. said:
I can see why people consider it a classic, but in no way do I see it as Graveland's best.

Behemoth excels at mediocrity.

Graveland is very sloppy, I don't like that. I don't want everything to be 100% correct played or anything like that (hey, I collect old Mortiis-releases :grin: ), but Graveland just bores me.

Old behemoth is just brilliant, the DM-side I don't like, so I've skipped the newer stuff.
Actually, I might need to go back to old Behemoth. I've heard some of the re-releases and Sventevith, but nothing really ever impressed me too much. Other than Satanica, the death metal stuff is boring.

Yeah, everything Graveland released before Creed of Iron has a kind of sloppyness to it, I admit. But that's part of the charm and perfect atmosphere those albums create. CoI and everything after is a lot more together and clearer.
My Graveland top 3 would probably be Following..., Thousand Swords, and Fire of Awakening. Dawn of Iron Blades was a bit of a disappointment, but I hope he can get over it and make another album of Fire of Awakening's standard.
Anyone want to be a sweetheart and post a Graveland MP3? Do post their best. Hell, post an old Behemoth track too, as I've never heard any.
Ughhhhhh those don't really do the songs justice, in any way. If no one else posts some mp3s, I'll do it up.

(No disrespect to you, sir.)
General Zod said:
By the way, if you ask the guys in Graveland, they'll tell you, "We're no where near as good as Nevermore." :loco:


haha, Darken would prolly ask "Who da foock is Nevamooh? Soonds like Christian band name"
who wants to give their hard earned cash to this forest panhandler?
