2005 Just Got a Helluva Lot Better

J. said:
yet the world mourns when Tupac and Biggie are murdered. two less gangbangers and shitty music writers! YAY!

Though, Honor was fucking terrible. (at least the songs I have on the split)

Ummm, you are a quickly becoming a redneck honkey that opens his mouth without any knowledge whatsoever....

You obviously know nothing about Tupac, as he was NEVER a gangbanger.

But I don't expect you to, as you have an obvious dislike of black people and are probably happy to see all of them suffering in New Orleans.
Papa Josh said:
Dude, buy my sperm.:Smug:

Well, that was clever. Try a brain. Nothing against your sperm, because I would purchase it if would not produce more weak-minded, extreme liberal, non self-actualizing swine like yourself.

That's all I have to say about that. With that opinion, I am done because arguing on the internet is pretty gay.

Doomcifer said:
Well, that was clever. Try a brain. Nothing against your sperm, because I would purchase it if would not produce more weak-minded, extreme liberal, non self-actualizing swine like yourself.

That's all I have to say about that. With that opinion, I am done because arguing on the internet is pretty gay.


Says the guy who takes pictures of himself lookin hard like he's a member of Pantera or something.... :grin:

You do not know me, you know a username/screen name, so get over yourself, it's the internet. Liberal ain't a bad word, so you ain't hurtin me there.