2008 Presidential Candidates

Well it's essentially down to 2 on each side. A black versus a woman and a preacher versus a Moron.

Obama will get my vote come the Maine primary.

I'm hoping for a "Bleeding New Hampshire" to prevent all those Nascar-fellating rednecks from putting the Granite State in the red again.
Obama is certainly a better choice than Clinton. If the disturbing reality of having 24 years of Bush-Clinton-Bush-Clinton sets in, national morale would be devastated. I think that has something to do with Clinton's 3rd place finish in Iowa. People want something different.

Something we actually agree on. I find it disheartening that people want Hillary in and that they don't care about the potential 'two family regime' as it could be called.
All I'm going to say is this: If Mike Huckabee gets the Republican nomination, I'm voting democrat. If it's Hillary and Huckabee, I'm not voting at all.

I'm honestly pulling for Obama to get the nomination. I'll probably vote for him regardless.
im still not entirely sold on the idea that huckabee is the front runner. giulliani is still polling first in states like NH. iowa is just one state, and they dont even have that many electoral votes
Like I said before, that's just a dumb cop-out for non-politically-minded people to try to add to the discussion in a rather pathetic way. Instead of complaining that everyone sucks (which we all already know, which is the big discrepancy here), try talking about what you DO and DON'T support in particular. That'd make this more interesting.

Hubster, I'm kind of sick of you unfairly judging America. And the whole "raise social equality" thing is a bunch of crap. That's the kind of shit that is really low priority.
Hubster, I'm kind of sick of you unfairly judging America. And the whole "raise social equality" thing is a bunch of crap. That's the kind of shit that is really low priority.

especially since we're all equal anyways. just some dont want to admit it
One thing I don't understand is this whole worry about having only two families. Bush is not his father and Hillary is not Bill (as much as I'd like that).

I am still unsure about the candidates and Iowa is no where near the end all be all, but I think this is bad news for Guiliani, Paul, and the non top 3 democrats, although I think of those only Guiliani had a chance. All I know is that I will vote for whoever the democratic candidate is.
Paul' support is too thinly spread over a large area so I really don't see him doing too well anyways.
another stupid comment

maybe people join a part because they... oh i dunno, agree with the majority of their principals? people vote along party lines because they generally agree with that party's stance on the issues.
another stupid comment

maybe people join a part because they... oh i dunno, agree with the majority of their principals? people vote along party lines because they generally agree with that party's stance on the issues.

I think Ozzman's talking about voting blindly for a candindate just because they're your party, not knowing anything about their views and stances on issues.

For example, Ron Paul is running as a Republican, but he's not actually a Republican, so hypothetically if he was a popular candidate, some people would vote for him just because he's running as a Republican, when his views are actually different than most.