2008 Presidential Candidates

Huckabee needs to die.

Also, nice job quoting Martin Luthor, the man who was of course an anti-semite, bigot and hypocrite.
This might be a page or two late, but it disappoints me that some people cannot separate the idea of incorporating elements of social democracy from full-blown USSR communism. Most well-run, successful countries do a bit of this, yet some people oppose it like the plague. Get smart.
No one's denying the possibility of communist or socialist ideas in America, but the change in the healthcare system to a more "socialist" standard would definitely require a large and invasive overhaul of the system, which would be harmful to our economy (which we can't just fuck around with right now, given the budget we're working with). In my opinion, some socialist ideas are rather nice, but this particular one really separates the boys from the men in terms of how drastic the measures are.
Not when it affects his policy decisions.

religion influences a persons morals. and alot of a presidents decisions come down to what they think is right.

but i dont think any president is going to read the bible to find a war strategy or call the pope to discuss foreign policy.
Last time we had a Catholic president, things went pretty well. Then he got shot and history went to shit.

The difference between that president and some of the past ones we've had though is that JFK didn't believe Jesus would come riding into Washington on the back of a fucking utahraptor and declaring America the most bad ass nation to ever be seen on the face of the earth.

Fuck Yeah.
i dont think bush or huckabee think that either.

i hate religion as much as the next guy, but why do people feel the need to blow this shit out of proportion? why make up these absurd claims to attack someone you dont like?
Voting strictly along party lines is fucking dumb.
I said I would vote for the democrat because every single democratic candidate is better than every single republican candidate.

not in the case of libertarianism. left-wing authortarian types like Clinton want to turn this country into the USSR pt.2

yeah, the dems want to turn this country into a socialist/communist state. well, thats a dramatization, but thats the way they lean. and they lean hard in that direction.

republicans on the other hand want to secure our country. both physically and financially
Are you guys all braindead?

So, who do you guys think will win in New Hampshire?
Obama and Romney

This might be a page or two late, but it disappoints me that some people cannot separate the idea of incorporating elements of social democracy from full-blown USSR communism. Most well-run, successful countries do a bit of this, yet some people oppose it like the plague. Get smart.

i dont think bush or huckabee think that either.

i hate religion as much as the next guy, but why do people feel the need to blow this shit out of proportion? why make up these absurd claims to attack someone you dont like?
All I know if that if someone is so religious that they accept an ancient mythological text over scientific fact, they do not have the thinking capabilities to be the leader of America.
We don't need to discuss OMG EVIL SOCIALIST HEALTHCARE POLICIES in every single thread with an even remotely political orientation, KTHX.
I said I
All I know if that if someone is so religious that they accept an ancient mythological text over scientific fact, they do not have the thinking capabilities to be the leader of America.


if you ask every single dem/rep cantidate they will all say they are religious and dance around the fact that they all believe in creation.

why cant you people get this through your heads?

what you all should be interested in, isnt whether they believe in a god, but rather what role it has in politics. both huckabee and ron paul have come out and said, in one way or another, that religion should stay out of politics. religion may have an impact on a persons character, but they arent going to make descisions solely on religion. and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get back on their meds

if you ask every single dem/rep cantidate they will all say they are religious and dance around the fact that they all believe in creation.

why cant you people get this through your heads?

what you all should be interested in, isnt whether they believe in a god, but rather what role it has in politics. both huckabee and ron paul have come out and said, in one way or another, that religion should stay out of politics. religion may have an impact on a persons character, but they arent going to make descisions solely on religion. and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to get back on their meds
I think being a mormon or a creationist is too far on the irrational scale for me. I can tolerate your regular cookiecutter:)kickass:) protestants