2010 MUSIC

Why hasn't this thread been bumped to rave about the new Alcest?! I'm listening to it right now for the 7th or 8th time in the last 3 days and I can already confidently say it's better than anything from 2009 and 2010 so far.
The techniques used are the same throughout the album minus the little atmospheric 4th track that came out of nowhere, but the mood imo varies far more from track to track than it did with the last. The same hopeful feeling is there, but contrasted with some despairing parts.

Anywho, I don't know why anyone wouldn't want to hear the album just to hear that godly clean tone...either way please listen to the final track if you can't stand a full album :)
Now I have Rush "Roll the Bones" in my head.

Why are we here
Because we're here
Roll the bones