2012 Metal Thread

Not exactly Metal (Occult Rock) but is anyone digging the new Year Of The Goat? It seems to just plod along but GODAMNIT do I fucking LOVE Thomas Erickson's voice. We need a new Griftegard album STAT.
Holy shit!!!...this is some BADASS grindcore!! ChaosLee - TAKE NOTICE!

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dm657PsYho">YouTube Link</a>

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMbNLcYf59w">YouTube Link</a>

Sweet, shall check out this afternoon
Holy shit!!!...this is some BADASS grindcore!! ChaosLee - TAKE NOTICE!

Made the mistake of trying to listen to this on my phone earlier, sounded like shit. Then finally home with actual speakers... yeah, this is fucking artillery to the face. Good find.
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In The Company of Serpents - S/T ---> http://inthecompanyofserpentsdoom.bandcamp.com/

What a year. :rock:
Those two be pretty cool but what the fucking fuck at cassette releases in this day and age.