2012 Opinions


Sep 10, 2009
Post you opinion about the so called "apocalypse" said to occur on December 21st, 2012.

The Long Count Calendar of the Ancient Mayans ends on Dec 21 2012. There isn't much information regarding what the Mayans thought would occur in 2012, but the consensus of opinion is that there will be great change. To some people this means a positive, spiritual change. Others, like myself, consider that a catastrophic event may have been predicted.
i think the Mayans just figured they made enough of a calander, and that if the human race doesnt know how to make their own by 2112 that they should die. lol

no, but in all seriousness, i dont think anything will happen. i think nowadays people are dwelling so much on the end of days because they know society is crumbling morally and we've been gluttons when it comes to our natural resources. really, its a reflection of people's guilt. we could do something to change our behaviour, but its easier to lay down and wait for the horsemen.

i honestly think that we will kill ourselves through weapons and technology and war before a natural disaster kills us. we are prepared for predictable meteors, predictable storms... but mankind is unpredictable. if something does happen over the next couple of years, it will mostlikely be manmade. which could happen. but i dont think it will any time soon.
2012,according the Mayan calendar is simply the end of this age and the beginning of a new one.. it doesn't have anything to do with the apocalypse or anything i guess. It's just another idea the elites are pushing onto people to get their interest in a stupid thing.. people naturally love such stories, they sound "interesting" lol... same thing happened before the year 2000.

Why should we fear what will happen in 2012 ? would it be more brutal than what it is right now with all these political and religious corruptions, public ignorance, wars, misconception between people and cultures...
According to what I believe in, both science and my religion, it's still too far, let me share my views; the northen pole will move to Syberia in 2050, and once the polars shift the "real" apocalypse will happen lol.. and in my religion it says that sun will raise from west which is a sign of the end of days, and that's what will happen in once the polar shift is done.
I think it's just a simple date, nothing spectacular. As another poster said, they probably figured they made enough of a calendar. They had to stop somewhere, right? Do we think they would have hit infinity or something? If they stopped at 2010, we would be asking the same questions - so I don't think that date matters one single bit.

"The sun, earth, and milky way will align at the galactic equator, on December 21, 2012, the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, and the end of the Mayan calendar. This only happens every 25,800 years! For the first time in recorded history, our entire solar system will move BELOW the milky way galaxy. These combined cosmic events, will be the end of the world as we know it. About 6 billion people of the world will perish in just a few short years if this cosmic catastrophe occurs."

Interesting replys.
Be sure to do your research tho.
Here is a link. http://www.2012warning.com/

I love this topic because of the massive variation of opinions that it generates.

Dude, do you believe in all conspiracy theories?
Okay, let's assume that 2012 it is scientifically proven to be last year, it is very close, why didn't have any SERIOUS warning, are they trying to do something about it? and after all, why do we bother working and going to schools if the future is known and we will die soon? I know it sounds stupid but damn.. if i believe in that so i'm not going back to college nor bother finding a job the money i have are enough for the next 3 years !
No, I dont believe in all conspiracy theorys, but you have to consider that if it really was proven that that was the last day, the last thing the government would want to do is tell people about it.

They would want to avoid mass hysteria, and if they were gonna tell people, and make it known that the end was near, they wouldnt do untill a day or 2 before it happened. Through emergency broadcast. Just to give people enough time to reunite with loved ones.
What you say is a logical proposition, but this is a global danger, do you think all governments are working together? I really doubt it. A lot of questions can be asked toward this subject.
If the end of the world was known to be coming, the worlds governments could very well have put differences aside, in order to work together on the issue.

But contrary to that point, If this were true, and they didn't want people to know about it, they probably would have taken some action against a movie about it being made.
Im on the wall man.
I dont believe that it will be the "End OF The World.."
But i do believe that that day DOES hold some sort of unknown significance that remains to be seen.
"The sun, earth, and milky way will align at the galactic equator, on December 21, 2012, This only happens every 25,800 years! For the first time in recorded history, our entire solar system will move BELOW the milky way galaxy.

this is prolly something that the human species will survive, seeing as how it didn't kill any of the life on earth the last dozen times it's happened
also, when i saw the title of this thread i thought it was going to be a thread about the 2012 united states presidential election, i'm gonna vote for the democratic nominee, if anybody cares
^ haha what?!? :lol: thats whats wrong with america. you should vote for the person that best represents ALL people. regardless of political party. take the last election. what kind of experience does Obama have? it doesnt matter, hes democratic and black. revolutionary! change change change! and yet ive seen ZERO change. america, and the world for that matter doesnt need change anyway. we need to return to a state of normalcy. how is that supposed to happen when people in our country look at presidental canidates as celebrities. "obama is hot! im voting for him!" "yeah, mccains all old. ewww. gross" " im voting for a black president! anything my distant relatives did to black people is excused!" if people were voting based on political issues, and actually paid attention to the way obama never answered a single fucking question, and then called out people for being "racist" for more publicity. haha sounds like fucking kayne west. you people that strictly vote democratic regardless of the canidate just voted kayne west into office. besides, the only thing Obama harped about was the health care plan, and now everyone is bitching. that just PROOVES nobody paid attention to what he said! haha and i wasted an afternoon voting and got called for jury duty a couple months later. whats the point of an election? do you realize many countries dont get a choice? and youre basically throwing your vote away by casting it blindly?

to get back on topic, if obama runs again and wins, i dont care whose right or wrong about the end of the world. and if we do survive, im moving to another country. lol
Apocalyptic notions/theorys aren't worth discussing, cuz no one will ever be proven right. That anyone whos arguing about it will know of.
^ haha what?!? :lol: thats whats wrong with america. you should vote for the person that best represents ALL people. regardless of political party. take the last election. what kind of experience does Obama have? it doesnt matter, hes democratic and black. revolutionary! change change change! and yet ive seen ZERO change. america, and the world for that matter doesnt need change anyway. we need to return to a state of normalcy. how is that supposed to happen when people in our country look at presidental canidates as celebrities. "obama is hot! im voting for him!" "yeah, mccains all old. ewww. gross" " im voting for a black president! anything my distant relatives did to black people is excused!" if people were voting based on political issues, and actually paid attention to the way obama never answered a single fucking question, and then called out people for being "racist" for more publicity. haha sounds like fucking kayne west. you people that strictly vote democratic regardless of the canidate just voted kayne west into office. besides, the only thing Obama harped about was the health care plan, and now everyone is bitching. that just PROOVES nobody paid attention to what he said! haha and i wasted an afternoon voting and got called for jury duty a couple months later. whats the point of an election? do you realize many countries dont get a choice? and youre basically throwing your vote away by casting it blindly?

to get back on topic, if obama runs again and wins, i dont care whose right or wrong about the end of the world. and if we do survive, im moving to another country. lol

You won't be welcome, so settle in.

I dislike American politics as much as you seem to, but I think the reason McCain didn't win was because he seemed ineffectual and lacking in any charisma whatsoever. Add to that the fact that Sarah Palin, a woman who couldn't answer a single question about fucking anything, was his Vice-President, and I'm pretty thankful that the voting public bought into the Obama P.R campaign.
Both candidates were terrible. Ron Paul was the only decent presidential option in the last two decades at least, and the media blacked him out. (No pun intended).

We are moving into the New World Order now, it's being openly discussed in serious news and economic media outlets, while those protesting it are being simultaneously ridiculed as "conspiracy theorists" for pointing it out.

Fortunately, the Bible did predict all of this long ago, and it doesn't end well for the Bushs and Obamas of the world, and their string pullers. They get a few years of "fun" at humanity's expense and then it is game over.
ha and the bible also mentioned that the bringer of the NWO had to be jewish like jesus....no one in the equation is jewish.