2012 Presidential election thread

Tru dat, yo. I thought it was funny how Bachman admitted at that convention how she left high school and went straight to Israel to work at a socialist Kibbutz. Michelle Bachman was apparently a communist when she younger, who knew?

Ron Paul is incredibly popular on the interwebs, but this popularity of his is not translatable when it comes to the actual elections. That's not saying that Ron Paul actually rigged the poll, but if one has to go by the impression given by YouTube commenters, message board users, bloggers, et cetera, Ron Paul would ipso facto be the the president of the USA, sweeping the elections by a landslide.

Even though an internet poll might not be representative (in Ron Paul's case, actually misleading) of the real electoral performance, CNBC should have had the decency to at least publish the results of their poll.
Exactly. Many voters vote based on name recognition IE, who they think will win. Keeping his name hidden is discriminitory and intentional. Or randomly throwing in editorials calling him a nut without addressing why etc.
On another note, I've decided to start a streak and not vote for president for a second consecutive election. I was origionaly going to write in Ron Paul if he didn't win the GOP (which I predict he won't), but I have to admit that Grandpa Ron still doesn't inspire me enough to support him. I thought about maybe voting libertarian, but I'm not in love with the whole Rand/Rothbard world view. Though I hate the way Noam Chomsky rambles and complains, I generally agree with his ideas of small government mixed with liberalism. However, I don't think that there are any candidates or parties that support those ideas.
I'm not voting either, out of principle. But coercive government is impossible to contain, and totally immoral, and it takes complete niavety in regards to economics and history to think otherwise.
IIRC Sap, your objection to is the "coldness" supposedly found in the anti-welfare state mentality. That could not be further from an accurate characterization.
What exactly do you mean by a welfare state? Do you just mean a state in general? I don't want to give the poor and minorities a free ride (as it is done under our current system), but rather a "handicap", for lack of a better word.