2012 Presidential election thread

At least Wolf actually wrote it. Most media outlets are going to drastic measures to avoid mentioning Ron Paul's name at all right now.

"If we act like he's not real, people will eventually forget he's there..."
I never thought of it like that; but I suppose that hits very close to the mark.

I understand it as implying that ideals must face opposition simply by definition; so let's take, for instance, an ideal like democracy. It first must establish itself against an array of absolutist, proto-totalitarian regimes. Naturally, it will encounter its demise in tragedy (failed revolutions, or the corruption of ideals as in the French Revolution); however, this is not to say the ideal or vision disappears completely. It reappears a second time, but still in an adulterated form; but this time, it prevails because it pretends to believe in itself while actually existing not as itself at all (just as we praise the democracy of our country today, yet we know we don't actually live in a democratic society; doublethink once again).
This is, by far, Ron Paul's best performance.

Newt Gingrich and Michelle Bachmann are openly against the Rule of Law. Holy fucking shit.
If she wasn't up everyone's ass about "moral issues", she'd basically be Ron Paul's little sister.

Edit @ dak: That's a great video that doesn't just explain voting, but the fallacy of government.

:confused: What?! That's not even close to correct. Bachmann is the antithesis of Ron Paul breh. Example:

Ron Paul’s debate moments and Bachmann lies:

MICHELE BACHMANN: “We have an IAEA report that just recently came out that said literally Iran is within just months of being able to obtain that (a nuclear) weapon.”
RON PAUL: “There is no U.N. report that said that. It’s totally wrong, what you just said.”
Bachmann: “It’s the IAEA report.”
THE FACTS: As Paul said, the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency does not state that Iran is within months of having nuclear arms. The U.N. agency report does suggest that Iran conducted secret experiments whose sole purpose is the development of nuclear weapons but did not put a time frame on when Iran might succeed in building a bomb, and it made no final conclusion on Tehran’s intent.
Bachmann also erred by arguing that Iran has “stated they will use it (a nuclear weapon) against the United States.”
Iran vehemently rejects that it is developing a nuclear bomb, let alone that it plans to drop one on the U.S.

She's a dumb fucking cunt who lies about everything. Spread that link around to everyone you know guys.