2012 Presidential election thread

It's libertarian leftist not socialist. I'm a left wing libertarian and I fully support the movement to kill the wars, Rothchilds, Rockefellers, poverty, and hate. I'm a Ron Paul/Gary Johnson supporter btw. Also I seem to like this Rocky Anderson guy as well as Buddy roemer.
^Love this quote from that article:

"Ron Paul’s candidacy is a mirror held up in front of the face of America’s Democratic Party and its progressive wing, and the image that is reflected is an ugly one; more to the point, it’s one they do not want to see because it so violently conflicts with their desired self-perception."

Oh my baby jesus, just look at how dumb this bitch his in this interview. Is CNN the worst fucking news station in the world or what? Who are these clowns? Better yet, who are the fucking clowns in charge of providing these yahoos with these questions? EVERY SINGLE TIME Ron Paul is on CNN he's asked the same stupid shit over and over again. I just don't get it.


Anyway, tonight is going to be a good night. I have a great feeling that Ron Paul is going to win this caucus and the momentum he'll gain from this victory will propel him going forward and giving him a real puncher's chance at toppling the establishment aka Mitt Romney. GO RON PAUL!!!!!111
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I don't know how Ron Paul manages to be come across as so likeable. I think it's to do with how old he is.
So Paul's in third, and Santorum is only a short distance behind Romney for second.

What we can realistically hope is that Paul performs consistently well in other states, while I think we'll see Santorum begin to bomb. Can't say for certain with Romney. He's like comfort food for conservaties or something.
Eh? He doesn't say black people. He just messed up the phrase "people's lives" and said "bligh...people's lives".

EDIT: He says it at 0:24
I wonder if he actually knows anything about how "the manufacturing sector of the economy" works.

But anyway, you'd have to be a serious kneejerker to care about that slip-up.
He was interviewed on CNN and claims he didn't say "black" at all; and I actually believe him. If you listen to what he's saying, it doesn't make sense.
The guy hates Muslims and gays, so hating another group isn't a stretch. But no he probably didn't in this case. Of course, Dean's yalp shouldn't have been a deciding factor but it was.

Personally I don't care. He has a horrible fiscal record, and his fascist attitude on social/foreign policy is scary.
I agree. Santorum scares me. His family values approach is also ideologically dangerous for several marginalized groups in this country (pregnant teens, single moms, gays, etc.), and yet masquerades as an innocent, pure pursuit of "tradition."
Romney is marginally better than Santorum, and Paul would be amazing if he could pull it off, but unlikely. Best we can hope for IMO is Romney gets his 2 terms and then Rand Paul runs. He's a much more well spoken and controlled guy still with many of his father's basic views, but is slightly more moderate and doesn't come off as a crazy nutjob of an old man.
The problem is the money behind the GOP is all from the MIC/Banking industry (money from the banking industry, go figure amirite?), which will fight tooth and nail to prevent either Paul, or Gary Johnson, etc. from making it into the White House. They don't mind as much while a couple of guys vote "No" on things in Congress, because it doesn't stop appointments and legislation. Veto power and cabinet/treasury/watchdog appointments are key.

The general public needs to abandon the two parties entirely. That would probably take another 20-40 years to accomplish, and I don't think America has that long left as a relevant power.

Edit: Ron Paul practiced what he preaches:

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