2012 Presidential election thread

Right; so wouldn't that make it easier to just announce another candidate off the bat? Why bother trying to remove Paul after admitting he "won" the vote?
Ya he's getting pissed about being asked the same stupid fucking question over and over again. He stormed off of the CNN set while being interviewed by that dumb Borger bitch. The only thing the MSM asks him is "Explain those newsletters." and "Are you going to run third party?" Fucking retards.
Here's the uncut Borger interview.

The last comment he made after he took the mic off and is walking away is, "I understand how the system works." BAM

His answers before she got into the newsletter were spot fucking on. And his mode of thinking is something people need to start adopting. I know he's said this before, but people look at the symptoms and the disease but not the cause, you stupid cunts.
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The truth can be very ugly. The name of the game for both camps is Control. Whether they know it or not what they are after is the power to rule by physical force. In my opinion neither camp holds freedom as a value. The Repubs want to control/rule mans consciousness and the Dems want his body.
I agree. Although my point was that Rebs advocate State rights to impose censorship, to determine moral values,to create and enforce a government established of morality to rule the intellect. While the Dems advocate government control of material production, business, employment, wages, profits, of all physical property, total seizure.

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