2013 Festival Status Update

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Tara Babcock just recently talked her close friend/personal assisitant/event photographer that goes with her to all her appearences to go..and she is working on a few of her model friends(more eye candy)..She is also going to make up some sort of "I will be appearing at Prog Power come see me" internet flyer she will start spamming all over fb from her 2 pages..

Another model in the Atlanta area I'm shooting on Sunday got so hooked on Let it Rain by Redemption shed she listened to it when I posted it on my wall that she became an instant fan and even though there is a chance she might not go she bought a ticket...

I have a few more prospects as well
1) Great News! Glad to hear that there's a good chance we're back at PP in 2013.

2) You may not want to answer, but I'm curious how you work this. Have you been contacting bands all along on a tentative festival basis, or are you waiting until you hit the target before starting the entire process? I know you usually begin booking a lot earlier, and I can't imagine starting at the end of July and getting all the bands booked, as well as getting the video created, in only 6 weeks.

Either way, looking forward to Sept for my 11th PP, and to (fingers crossed) Sept 2013.

Steve in Philly

My ??? exactly!
To my ProgPower Family, here's a personal challenge to you all: Everyone who can swing one extra ticket, just buy it now. BUY ONE EXTRA TICKET IF YOU CAN!

People, we cannot be this close to losing our festival and not make that final push to Victory! Honestly, what else would we do the following September?

We would ALL be at home, POUTING. And you know, that's just not very Metal at all.

Please, let's give Glenn one last hurrah if that's what it's going to be. There are so many other bands I'm dying to see in this lifetime. I AM BUYING AN EXTRA TICKET RIGHT NOW. :rock::rock:


As we get closer and closer to the magic number, I will snag an extra ticket to keep this tradition alive. I've already fronted the money for 2 tickets for two of my friends, 6 months ago, hoping they're still going to attend.

Also have another huge fan who really wants to go this year, and I'm working on a "how I do PPUSA on a budget" post for those who desire to attend but still find it too expensive for them.

Even if I don't attend the Iced Earth/Volbeat show in town I will likely hang out in front and hand out flyers while sporting a ProgPower USA shirt. Gotta hit the post it boards at Independent Records as well. Depending on how things work out in the next week I may just end up having to buy a ticket to give to someone before the end of the month,.

I need this fest to continue into the future dammit :)

If we sell 80 more tickets, then ProgPower USA 2013 is a go. That doesn’t mean a sell-out for this year, but I will have hit my comfort zone for at least one more year. If you want the traditional roster video announcement at the festival this year, then we need to hit that mark by the end of this month.

Count it as 79 since I have not bought mine yet, I will be flying from Mexico City for my 3rd PP, so see ya there for sure.

Thanks for trying to keep PP going Glen, your fest is a great experience, and Atlanta is a great city to visit.

Francisco Carrasco
Another of my model friends just confirmed she is going,and she is bringing a few of her hot friends(an Atlanta gal)..she does a lot of work with Deam Markley(ick of the guitar brand)
Working on a few more friends..
if anything there will be a record amount of eye candy this year.(a great thing)
Where does this festival take place?Im in shitty South Carolina.

Tell all of your fellow Gamecock/Tiger/Paladin metal friends to make the HORRIFIC trek to Atlanta. I mean, c'mon, you could almost spend the night at HOME and still make both nights!
I did that drive last year, piece of cake! Now the 17 hours from WI to SC, that was pretty much my limit for driving in a day.....:erk:

Yeah, Al and I did the 12hr trek from Marietta to Chicago when we left Pathfinder. It took more like 14 hours due to repeated pitstops, and a stopover in Marion, IL to eat at Don Tequila's.

Do-able, but harsh.
I roadtrip from Chicago with my bro every year. Flew down once and hated it...something awesome about hitting the road with a dufflebag full of metal. We don't hit the road until after work, so we do a stopover somewhere in Kentucky or Tennessee and finish it off to Atlanta in the AM. On Sunday though, it's a straight shot back home. Can't wait to do it in a couple months!!! :kickass:
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