2016 Presidential Election

Not gonna lie he sucks at debating and would suck as president but this country needs republican control of the Supreme Court, senate, congress, etc Trump just needs to delegate everything to competent people that agree with him on the issues
If you say so. I'm not really a fan of either one, but it's clear who handled themselves better in this debate.

This sums up my feelings exactly. I don't think you can argue for Trump looking better or handling himself better in this debate. Saying that, I think they're both terrible people and the whole thing came off as comedic.
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What are your reasons for believing that he will follow through on his promises?
I don't think he will be able to fully implement them (make Mexico pay for the wall, stop all Muslims... not gonna happen) but if his administration just works towards them (less illegals, less refugees, less taxes, no Obamacare and better trade deals) it will be better for us than what Hillary has to offer
Not gonna lie he sucks at debating and would suck as president but this country needs republican control of the Supreme Court, senate, congress, etc Trump just needs to delegate everything to competent people that agree with him on the issues

The republicans already control congress and the senate.
The republicans already control congress and the senate.
Well if they have a president that they agree with, shit would actually get done.

Not 8 years of trying to block the president's shit and it gets passed anyway
Then they can make Trump agree with them since he's pretty malleable. Republicans have a better position on issues that matter. An open borders big government statist in the white house would be a disaster.
I've said it before and I'll keep saying it: Hillary is certain trouble/terrible/no good/bad. Trump possibly is too lazy/distracted to fuck things up himself and may accidentally put competent people in charge. With a gun to my head I'd take the chance of accidental good. If he's assertively terrible he can't be any worse than Hillary. But I won't be voting because I won't have any bullshit on my conscience and Democracy is as farcical as any candidate.
What are your reasons for believing that he will follow through on his promises?

Im not exactly sure how much you can trust the political ability of someone who has no experience, but id say that Trump's pride will keep him at the very least on the right track. He is a fucking egomaniac businessman who tries to stamp his name/legacy on everything, so I would expect him to try his best to cement his legacy as a 'good president'. He wants to be known as the man who got America out of one of the biggest slumps of it's history, not somebody who at the age of 70 just now wants to get into politics for monetary reasons.

I basically side with what Dak just said, except for maybe the lazy part. I think the man loves getting shit done. I doubt he will dick around playing golf all the time like the current leader. He is all about delegation of responsibility, so it will probably come down to the people he appoints to MAGA.
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I don't know and it wouldn't matter if I did know/I was.
you probably are. get off your ass and vote you slacker! do you want an immigrant to take the job of your son?
I got the impression he just said that to look moderate to the "independents", same reason he began his speech talking about how he and Clinton agreed on a lot of things, basically to steal her thunder on less important stuff and look like Mr. Right on NAFTA/trade/etc. He can't afford to make her look harder on "terror" than him.
I would suggest watching a video on what both candidates are hiding, then make up your mind

and yes, this is based on research, as they can cite sources, not speculation

although if they dont like what you say, Im sure you will see it as propaganda

good thing its not illegal to be stupid, hell, you can even run on the GOP ticket!

I got the impression he just said that to look moderate to the "independents", same reason he began his speech talking about how he and Clinton agreed on a lot of things, basically to steal her thunder on less important stuff and look like Mr. Right on NAFTA/trade/etc. He can't afford to make her look harder on "terror" than him.

Seems like wishful thinking on your part.