What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Firefox Reaches 25 Million Downloads

Elizabeth Millard, www.enterprise-linux-it.com


Open source Web browser Firefox has topped the 25 million download mark as of last Friday.

According to the Mozilla Foundation, developer of the browser, it has only been about 100 days since Firefox was released, a fact that highlights how quickly it has spread across the Web and around the world.

As Firefox succeeds, it is chewing into Internet Explorer's dominating market share, which is 92.7 percent, compared to Firefox's 4.8 percent.

Browser watchers are waiting to see if Firefox can maintain its momentum into the next release, scheduled for April, and garner more downloads past that.

Security Force

Part of the reason for the robust adoption rate for Firefox has been security, said Yankee Group analyst Jim Slaby.

Security reports about Internet Explorer have prompted many individuals and some universities to go with Firefox over IE.

But as Firefox becomes more popular, it is likely that it will become a more attractive target for malicious hackers, Slaby said.

"It's ironic that people are turning to Firefox because it's secure," he said. "Because the moment it becomes really successful is when hackers begin exploiting it more diligently. When it gets more market traction, it will be targeted."

Some Doubts

As Firefox draws more devotees, some analysts have warned that the open source darling is not yet ready for the corporate space, and have urged caution in making it the default browser for a company.

In early February, Gartner posited that Firefox usage is being driven by factors that are not inherently sustainable.

The research firm added that Firefox usage will grow until Microsoft (Nasdaq: MSFT - news) chooses to respond. Most likely, companies and individuals could opt for a mixed browser environment until IE is revamped.

Strong Appeal

Despite concerns over security and Firefox's ability to maintain its popularity, for now it seems that the underdog browser has quite a bark.

Recent reports on two Scandinavian Web sites have implied that Nokia (news - web sites) (NYSE: NOK - news) may have switched to Firefox from IE, despite assurances from Microsoft that it would be refreshing the browser design some time this year.

"No matter what Microsoft might do, you'll still see a lot of people kicking the tires of Firefox and checking it out," said Slaby. "There are many indications that Firefox could get wider adoption than many people have anticipated."
thats good to hear

I switched over when 1.0 came out, and it only took me a day or so to get adjusted

I still need to use IE for an occasional website that doesn't support firefox though..... but everything from page load times to the popupblocking is what sold me on it.. plus having new pages open on different tabs within the one browser window is teh win

but now i'm at work and using IE........ :/
The only thing I don't like is how the article mentions more use = more haxx0rz fucking with your shit. I'd be pissed if Firefox started getting fucked IE style, but even if it did the benefits of a much better browser would still make it worthwhile.
So are the security issues still present with Avant? If so, no thanks. If I could physically remove IE from my computer I would, and then punch it. Repeatedly.