4 More Years!!!!!!

and delt i think if you saw a picture of an aborted fetus next to a tumor, you would notice the difference. last time i checked a tumor doesnt have fingers, toes, or a face.

you are full of arrogant statements, it amazes me.
About abortion...

I used to be against abortion, I always said that I couldn't murder my own baby, but...
Four years ago when I had my first (and only) child I was told that I cannot give a birth to another child, they told me that I had only 5% chance to survive it. Actually I would need a small miracle to get pregnant in the first place but if it happened, I'd have to get an abortion. Of course there's always the possibility of C-section, but even the idea of someone cutting me open scares me to death, I'd rather go with the abortion.
There's nothing I want more than to have another child, but I can't. I wanted to try having another one, but the it hit me, I might end up dead and my husband would be left alone with two little kids...

Oh well, I'm happy to have such a beautiful daughter, some ppl never get to experience that.
bah. the human species should stop reproducing altogether. why have kids in such a world of complete 100% pure dog shit? pretty dumb thing to do.

death slut: i think it's much, much less painful for a fetus to be aborted than to be forced to live a fucking shitty life it never asked for.
delt said:
bah. the human species should stop reproducing altogether. why have kids in such a world of complete 100% pure dog shit? pretty dumb thing to do.
why would you want that? you wont have anymore young teen girls to try and hit on.

delt said:
death slut: i think it's much, much less painful for a fetus to be aborted than to be forced to live a fucking shitty life it never asked for.
so i guess then you should have been aborted, cause you've said you've had a pretty shitty life. and maybe your girlfriend too, cause she obviously had a shitty one too
yes, indeed it would have been better for everyone if i had never been born. are you happy now? and i don't have a girlfriend. the only girlfriend i ever had burned herself to death several months ago.
ah, jeez, people...if you absolutely must argue, can you at least do it in a civilized manner as to not get everyone wound up? there's nothing wrong with a healthy general debate, but getting into a squabble down on personal terms is something that we can all live without...okay? i just think that some of us here could do without the sarcastic jabs and digs.
Trashdevil said:
4 more years... well there goes the U.S
I hope ARNOLD is the next president
Damn constitution!!!!

this is the exact reason we have that particular constitutional regulation, and the electoral college. so some famous asshole who knows very little about politics doesnt become president solelybecause people recognize him and enjoy his movies.....although normally the electoral college is worthless IMO
yeah i think most of the time the electoral college is retarded. and even though i dont like bush, i must admit he won fairly, both with electoral and popular votes. it sucks, but you can't change it now so just grin and bare it.
i dunno. i mean the 2000 election, i think that was a sham. i dont know so much about this one. but eh. and i know it's not really fair that half of us have to deal with a president we dont want, but even if kerry were elected, it would still be the same way. lots of unhappy people.
dilema1362 said:
this is the exact reason we have that particular constitutional regulation, and the electoral college. so some famous asshole who knows very little about politics doesnt become president solelybecause people recognize him and enjoy his movies.....although normally the electoral college is worthless IMO

??? What about Reagan???
I'm to young to remember and too lazy to find out but was he an okay president and didn't people think he was only :err: famous asshole who knows very little about politics? :err:
blazingelectricdeath said:
our way of government in the united states is ridiculous, a bit more than half of everybody votes for a president, but everybody has to deal with him, it doesnt make sense.
And good morning to you sir! :wave:

It's called democracy you dumbass. There are a lot of flaws in the american "democracy" but if you think this is one of them, be enlightened: It is not
The majority of the voters voted for Bush and that's it. It's called "The voter's will" and the system doesnt care if you approve or not. I dont like the outcome either but you have to admit, this time, the one with the most votes actually got the job as well. End of story.
See you again in 4 years
You are a republican:
COBSteele02 said:
Yes because all Republicans most be uneducated hoosiers correct? and are clueless and know nothing of the real world? How liberal of you.

Whenever did I say you were an 'uneducated hoosier' and clueless and know nothing of the world? I wasn't attacking you because you are republican, only you talk very...negatively about 'you' liberals.
So in fact you just 'assumed' I was calling you an 'uneducated hoosier'...and what I said was not because I'm keen on being the extremely political correct bunny-pettin' liberal, but because I think that; it's my humble opinion, my view on what would be correct. It's something some people would call 'concious'...Now, I just think you're a moron who draws rash conclusions.
Thank you very much.