4 More Years!!!!!!

delt said:
An unwanted fetus is nothing more than a piece of organic waste.

You know, i am both sided when it comes to this subject, but that is just arrogant. At 8 weeks a fetus can feel pain. And i'm surprised this is okay with you, considering what your girlfriend went through. "a painful, horrible death". well there you go. i dont care if you find that offensive, because it's not my fault for stupid remarks like yours.

but maybe it doesn't matter to you, considering all you've done since her "death" is come on to every female on this board. i feel bad for halfie, she's like half your age and all you do is hit on her, do you really think she is interested?

i'm not even pissed off that you support abortion. this was just an excuse to say what a shit load of people already think anyways.

grow up, delt.
t-shirt hell. I got bunches of shirts from that place...mostly for other people though.

the only one I kept was the "atkins approved" one. that shirt was too awesome to give away.
hmmmmmm i don't know but comparing a fetus to a person who is temporarily disabled...... ?? that just doesn't seem right. What's the difference between having a fetus aborted and not getting pregnant in the first place? absolutely none. The way you put it, birth control itself would be murder. Contraceptives DO fail, and there has to be some way to deal with that other than giving birth to unwanted children.

So, if YOU don't want to have an abortion, then don't have one. But don't go around saying that everyone else should be forced to follow YOUR opinion. It's called common sense.

> also some girls just use abortion as a form of birth control

damn, that just CAN'T be good for their health........

> if you dont wanna have a kid, then keep your damn legs closed. and forcing an "unfortunate
> couple" to have a kid, goes for what i just said, if you arent ready to accept the consequences
> of accidently having one, dont have sex at all, or use protection of some kind.

so people should be punished for having sex? then i take it if someone is disfigured in a car crash we should tell him "you knew what was coming to you when you got into a car" ?? like said above, contraceptives DO fail, and if a girl is unfortunate enough that it happens to her, what good will it do that she (and her surrounding) is stuck with this problem permanently???
first of all. i never said people should follow my opinion. i said i was double sided on this subject. i just think it's arrogant to say that a fetus is nothing when obviously it isn't. and secondly, alexifollower never said someone should be "punished for having sex". duh. we've been there. having a kid isn't punishment. being pregnant isn't a punishment either. and just because someone has an unwanted pregnancy, it isn't an excuse to have an abortion. you can't treat it as if it's not a big deal. "oops i got pregnant!" it just doesn't work that way. besides, as stated before, adoption is a much better option than abortion. i can guarantee that. abortion should only be used if health for the mother/baby is in danger, or if the girl has been through a rape. if you get pregnant, face up to it. by having sex you're taking a risk and if you're not ready, then wait. i look at it this way, yes i believe having an abortion is taking away a life, what if one day someone just decided, you know what?, being a parent sucks i should've had an abortion, and then they kill their kid. what's the difference?

im not going to preach, and im not against people who have had abortions. i just think there are much better options. the only reason i particularly feel like arguing with you is because you are too closed minded to look at it from any other point of view but yours. no i dont agree with abortion, but i dont think it should be banned, either.

and nobody said birth control is a form of murder. i'm on the pill and i've never looked at it that way.
I really hate posting this on forums. So I will post a warning that the content I am posting is very stomach turning.

Abortions are nothing but an easy way out. Opps we fucked up. So lets kill our kid!

You tell me if the following should be legal?

Suction aspiration is a surgical procedure that is performed in the first trimester. Pregnancies are divided into three trimesters. This is done by using a powerful suction tube with sharp cutting edges and inserting it into the womb through a dilated cervix. This suction tube tears apart the baby and the placenta off the walls of the uterus, while it sucks amniotic fluid, blood, placental tissue, and fetal parts into a collection bottle.
Dilation and Curettage, which is commonly called D&C is a surgical abortion which is also done during the first trimester. D&C is done by stretching the cervix to allow a loop shaped steel knife to enter the uterus. The baby is then cut up into pieces and removed. The placenta is scraped off the uterine wall with the same tool.

RU 486 is a chemical abortion done during the first trimester, specifically in women 5 to 9 weeks pregnant. This technique uses two powerful synthetic hormones, mifepristone and misoprostol, and calls for three trips to the abortion facility. In the first visit the woman is given a physical exam, and if she is in healthy condition, is given the RU 486 pills to swallow, which stops the action of progesterone. Progesterone is the natural hormone we produce that is vital to maintaining the lining of the uterus which is rich in nutrients. As the nutrient lining disintegrates, the baby starves. The second visit occurs 36 to 48 hours later, and the women is given a dose of artificial prostaglandins, usually misoprostol. This causes uterine contractions and the baby to be expelled from the uterus. Two weeks later a third visit is required to determine whether or not the abortion has happened. If not a surgical abortion is performed, which happens in 5 to 10 percent of all cases.

Methotrexate is another chemical abortion technique performed during the first trimester, in the form of an injection. Methotrexate works by attacking the fast growing cells of the trophoblast, which is the tissue surrounding the embryo that eventually gives rise to the placenta. This trophoblast acts as a "life support system", supplying the baby with oxygen and nutrients from the mother's blood, discarding carbon dioxide and waste products, and producing the hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) hormone. This hormone signals the corpus luteum to continue the production of progesterone necessary to prevent breakdown of the uterine lining and the loss of pregnancy. The methotrexate initializes the disintegration of this life sustaining environment and without the food, nutrients, fluid, and oxygen the baby needs to live, it dies. Three to seven days later a suppository of misoprostol is inserted into the woman to stimulate the expulsion of the tiny child from the uterus.

Dilation and Evacuation, called D&E for short, is a surgical abortion performed during the second trimester, specifically used on unborn children as old as 24 weeks. This is done by dilating the cervix and entering forceps with sharp metal jaws that are used to grasp parts of the developing babies which are twisted and torn away. This is done over and over until the child's body is entirely removed from the womb. By this time the baby's skull has also hardened to bone, because of this the skull must be compressed or crushed to allow removal.

There are chemical procedures that are done during the second and third trimesters which are instillation methods. These include salt poisoning, urea, and prostaglandins. Salt poisoning is used after sixteen weeks of pregnancy, when there is enough fluid in the amniotic fluid sac surrounding the baby. A needle is inserted into the woman's abdomen, and about 50 to 250 milliliters, which is about a cup, is drawn from the fluid sac and replaced with a solution of concentrated salt. When the baby breaths in the salt, it becomes poisoned, causing the baby to experience an extremely painful burning and deterioration of their skin. In approximately an hour the baby dies. From about 33 to 35 hours later the mother goes into labor, giving birth to a dead, burned, and shriveled baby.

Urea is another instillation method that is sometimes used. This method is usually less effective and must be supplemented by oxytocin or a prostaglandin in order to kill the fetus. This method has the problems of having incomplete or failed abortions.
In the prostaglandin method, artificial prostaglandins are injected into the amniotic sac. This injection of the artificial chemical is done prematurely causing a violent labor and the birth of the child, which is too young to survive. Salts or other toxins are usually injected first, ensuring that the baby will be delivered dead, because it has been known for babies to survive this method.

Partial Birth Abortion is a surgical method performed during the second and third trimesters, specifically women who are 20 to 32 weeks pregnant. The abortionist uses an ultrasound to guide them as they reach into the uterus and grab the unborn baby's legs with forceps. The baby is then pulled into the birth canal, except for the head which is purposely kept inside the womb. The baby is still alive at this point. Scissors are then jammed into the back of the baby's skull and spread apart at the tips to widen the wound. A suction catheter is inserted into the skull, after the scissors are removed, and the baby's brains are sucked out. This causes the head to collapse and is removed from the uterus. Please take note that babies born at 23 weeks or more often survive and grow up into healthy adults. This procedure eliminates that possibility.

Hysterotomy is a surgical instillation method done during the second and third trimesters. This method is usually performed if chemical methods fail, such as salt poisoning or prostaglandins. Incisions are made in the abdomen and the uterus, and from there the baby, placenta, and amniotic sac are removed. It is important to note that some babies are born alive during this procedure. This brings to question in what manner these babies are killed, when, and by whom.

There is also a new abortion method that can be done as early as eight to ten days after conception. This technique uses ultra sensitive pregnancy testing to detect the pregnancy and then uses an ultrasound to find the gestational sac. A hand-held syringe is then used to suction it and the contents of the uterus out.

Oh another great thing in our society is, if a man kills a pregnant woman. He gets charged for two murders.
COBSteele02 said:
You tell me if the following should be legal?

yes it should be....because its not for your ass to decide....nor any other male in this, or any country....because its for the individual woman to do so, and its her choice and her choice only.

COBSteele02 said:
Oh another great thing in our society is, if a man kills a pregnant woman. He gets charged for two murders.

once again, that is because the woman had chosen up til that point to keep the baby, as was her choice and no-one elses
^ yeah i have read about all those types of abortions. they are horrific. i think the absolute worst is the salt poisoning, because the woman can feel the baby dying inside of her. i have read some pretty awful stories about abortion. with a hystertomy, if a baby is born alive, it is placed on a metal tray until it starves, or has hypothermia (see second story below).

i think it's pretty ironic too, about the law that if a man kills a pregnant woman he gets charged for double murder.

i think this is probably one of the saddest stories i have read about abortion:
( www.abortionfacts.com)
Testimony of Jill L. Stanek, RN:

I am a Registered Nurse who has worked in the Labor & Delivery Department at Christ Hospital in Oak Lawn, Illinois, for the past five years. The method of abortion that Christ Hospital uses is called "induced labor abortion," also now known as "live birth abortion." This type of abortion can be performed different ways, but the goal always is to cause a pregnant woman's cervix to open so that she will deliver a premature baby who dies during the birth process or soon afterward. The way that induced abortion is most often executed at my hospital is by the physician inserting a medication called Cytotec into the birth canal close to the cervix. Cytotec irritates the cervix and stimulates it to open. When this occurs, the small, preterm baby drops out of the uterus, oftentimes alive.
It is not uncommon for one of these live aborted babies to linger for an hour
or two or even longer. One of them once lived for almost eight hours. In the event that a baby is aborted alive, he or she receives no medical assessments or care but is only given what my hospital calls "comfort care." "Comfort care" is defined as keeping the baby warm in a blanket until he or she dies, although even this minimal compassion is not always provided. It is not required that these babies be held during their short lives. One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down's Syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not wantto hold him, and she did not have time to hold him. I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived. He was 21 to 22 weeks old, weighed about ½ pound, and was about 10 inches long. He was too weak to move very much, expending any energy he had trying to breathe. Toward the end he was so quiet that I couldn't tell if he was still alive unless I held him up to the light to see if his heart was still beating through his chest wall. After he was pronounced dead, we folded his little arms across his chest, wrapped him in a tiny shroud, and carried him to the hospital morgue where all of our dead patients are taken.

and then this one about the hystertomy:

"I remember an experience as a resident on a hysterotomy. I remember seeing the baby move underneath the sack of membranes, as the cesarean incision was made, before the doctor broke the water. The thought came to me, "My God, that's a person" Then he broke the water. And when he broke the water, it was like I had a pain in my heart, just like when I saw that first suction abortion. And t hen he delivered the baby,. and I couldn't touch it.. I wasn't much of an assistant. I just stood there, and the reality of what was doing on finally began to seep into my calloused brain and heart. They took that little baby that was making little sounds and moving and kicking, and set it on that table in a cold, stainless steel bowl. Every time I would look over while we were repairing the incision in uterus and finishing the Caesarean, I would see that little person moving in that bowl. And it kicked and moved less and less, of course, as time went on. I can remember going over and looking at the baby when we were done with the surgery and the baby was still alive. You could see the chest was moving and the heart was beating, and the baby would try to take a little breath, and it really hurt inside, and it began to educate me as to what abortion really was."
dilema1362 said:
yes it should be....because its not for your ass to decide....nor any other male in this, or any country....because its for the individual woman to do so, and its her choice and her choice only.

So killing an innocent human being (namely their own son) because of an immature mistake should be a choice?

I fail to see how murder should be a choice.

In fact there are many other choices that she can take instead of killing the child.
COBSteele02 said:
So killing an innocent human being (namely their own son) because of an immature mistake should be a choice?

I fail to see how murder should be a choice.

In fact there are many other choices that she can take instead of killing the child.

yes. that is your own morals and opinions speaking. do not push your morals upon others, because everyone has their own beliefs. i do not believe it is murder because the embryo/fetus is not alive yet.
2-who the FUCK are you to say that EVERY instance of abortion is because of an immature mistake. welcome to the real world pal, and take a step away from your computer, and maybe, just maybe go find a girlfriend. if thats how you view things, youve got a twisted sense of reality.

finally....if you dont think abortion is right, thats fine...i dont care, good for you....but do not tell others what to do with their own bodies. i dont go telling you to stop masturbating 12 times a day now do i? NO because if thats what you want to do, so be it. in the same fashion, do not tell a 13 year old girl who was raped by an uncle, or a woman who was raped in a park while jogging, or a girl who happened to be taken advantage of at a college party while intoxicated, that they must keep the "children" that were given to them. wake the fuck up pal.
dilema1362 said:
yes. that is your own morals and opinions speaking. do not push your morals upon others, because everyone has their own beliefs. i do not believe it is murder because the embryo/fetus is not alive yet.
2-who the FUCK are you to say that EVERY instance of abortion is because of an immature mistake. welcome to the real world pal, and take a step away from your computer, and maybe, just maybe go find a girlfriend. if thats how you view things, youve got a twisted sense of reality.

finally....if you dont think abortion is right, thats fine...i dont care, good for you....but do not tell others what to do with their own bodies. i dont go telling you to stop masturbating 12 times a day now do i? NO because if thats what you want to do, so be it. in the same fashion, do not tell a 13 year old girl who was raped by an uncle, or a woman who was raped in a park while jogging, or a girl who happened to be taken advantage of at a college party while intoxicated, that they must keep the "children" that were given to them. wake the fuck up pal.

Ok I am done with you. It appears you cannot even hold a civil discussion without resorting to childish insults. You're telling me to get up from the computer look who else is using one at the same moment. OMG GET A GURLFRIEND!!!11!11!1!

Since when was I forcing my views upon others? This is an internet message board. I just stated my opinion. You want to be pro-choice fine. But you are still going to have to suck it up and listen to others viewpoints on it. Hopefully you can do that without playing the you have no life game.
COBSteele02 said:
Since when was I forcing my views upon others?

you werent....but reversing roe v wade would be which is my exact point. one presidents own morals and beliefs being imposed upon others

and with regard to childish insults....i was just trying to prove a point (whether its true or not ill never know.) i listen to others views, i just dont tolerate those who think that they are better than others (ex-you somehow think youre superior to all those women who "use abortion to cover a mistake" or else you wouldnt have made such a comment) its one thing to have an opinion, its another to tell people what to do.
dilema1362 said:
you werent....but reversing roe v wade would be which is my exact point. one presidents own morals and beliefs being imposed upon others

and with regard to childish insults....i was just trying to prove a point (whether its true or not ill never know.) i listen to others views, i just dont tolerate those who think that they are better than others (ex-you somehow think youre superior to all those women who "use abortion to cover a mistake" or else you wouldnt have made such a comment) its one thing to have an opinion, its another to tell people what to do.

Having a pro-life President really doesn't mean anything. Except for the fact Bush did ban Partial Birth Abortions. Which was just shear brutality. The only thing he can really do is appoint a Justice to the Supreme Court that might overturn it. Anyway Bush being pro-life is not a reason at all why he got my vote. That is one issue I don't even look at on a President, like religion, or Gay Marriage. Who really gives a crap what people do in the comfort of their own bedrooms?

Anyway I am not a living example of being better than others I have plenty of flaws as I am human. I think we got off on the wrong foot. I am angry at people that have unprotected sex blindly without any thought that "Hey I might get pregnant!" Then they pick the easy road out and decide to kill their child. But am I better than them? Thats not up for me to decide.
dilema1362 said:
yes it should be....because its not for your ass to decide....nor any other male in this, or any country....because its for the individual woman to do so, and its her choice and her choice only.

so you're saying that the father of the child has no say, in what happens to his child? even if he wants to keep the baby(i.e. say you got your girlfriend pregnant and you BOTH wanted to keep the kid, and for some strange reason she decides to break up with you and totally hates you(and you still wanting her to give birth to that child, cause you want to raise it) she decides "i hate him, i'm killing this kid" how would that make you feel, cause its well you know its "her choice and her choice only"

dilema1362 said:
once again, that is because the woman had chosen up til that point to keep the baby, as was her choice and no-one elses

still what about the fathers decision
AlexiFollower said:
so you're saying that the father of the child has no say, in what happens to his child? even if he wants to keep the baby(i.e. say you got your girlfriend pregnant and you BOTH wanted to keep the kid, and for some strange reason she decides to break up with you and totally hates you(and you still wanting her to give birth to that child, cause you want to raise it) she decides "i hate him, i'm killing this kid" how would that make you feel, cause its well you know its "her choice and her choice only"

still what about the fathers decision

it would make me feel horrible, and in a loving relationship it should be a mututal thing, but when it comes down to it...its the womans choice since she is carrying the kid.

Seems the liberal side cannot win the argument without overly used obscenties.

i overly use obscenities because thats just the way i am.....asshole. :Smug:
BastrdDrmr said:
"fuck you fuck me blah blah shit fuck fuck..."

You guys are some experts when it comes to supporting your arguments. Seems the liberal side cannot win the argument without overly used obscenties.
and i am on the liberal side, i just feel different about this subject