4 More Years!!!!!!

NeedledWarheart said:
And stealing our fish :cry:

We've been thru this, man.
The fish is tribute for that debt you guys stopped paying us 700 years ago.


BastrdDrmr said:
Suprise suprise... the guy from the most liberal state in the United States and Kerry's homestate, nonetheless, thinks Kerry is smart. Remember, George W. Bush NEVER said he was going to add 2 army divisions in Iraq, and John Kerry said he would (he said this during the 1st debate, so I am NOT making it up). That sounds like a draft to me, and since I'm 22, I sure as hell am fucking glad Kerry got defeated.

Same sex marriage bans were on proposals in 11 states to amend state constitutions, and they were passed in all 11 states. This even happened in more liberal states like Michigan. It is my opinion that every single state would support such constitutional bans other than the liberal powerhouse states of New York, Massachussets, and California. You are in the minority on that one. And let me add this; JOHN KERRY SUPPORTED BANS ON GAY MARRIAGES!!!

The economy has been picking back up for the past 2 years. It was on its way down and hit the fan after 9/11. As the tax cuts have phased in economic growth has been stronger. It was hard for the economy to recover initially because for the first year the tax break was so insignificant (because of the phase in), the economy had no means of rebounding from 9/11.

That is what I have to offer to this liberal dominated thread.

GAY MARRIAGES: A huge, wide open loophole for identity theft and citizenship fraud. i have nothing against homosexuals, it's not their fault if they are. but do they really NEED to get "married" ???

ABORTION: excuse me but how the fuck can you think you're "killing" something that's not even born yet. An unwanted fetus is nothing more than a piece of organic waste. Don't give me that "life is holy and saint and sacred" bullshit, the planet,s already over-populated enough as it is. Do you think it's better to force these unfortunate couples to unwillingly have children and be miserable for the rest of their lives? and what about those children themselves??????

according to that stupid retarded "pro-life" attitude, each time a guy jacks off he's murdering millions of potential human beings.
delt said:
ABORTION: excuse me but how the fuck can you think you're "killing" something that's not even born yet. An unwanted fetus is nothing more than a piece of organic waste. Don't give me that "life is holy and saint and sacred" bullshit, the planet,s already over-populated enough as it is. Do you think it's better to force these unfortunate couples to unwillingly have children and be miserable for the rest of their lives? and what about those children themselves??????

according to that stupid retarded "pro-life" attitude, each time a guy jacks off he's murdering millions of potential human beings.
AGREED 101% :worship:
delt said:
according to that stupid retarded "pro-life" attitude, each time a guy jacks off he's murdering millions of potential human beings.

fuck...I've committed genocide on levels only my carpet and a sock can begin to fathom
delt said:
ABORTION: excuse me but how the fuck can you think you're "killing" something that's not even born yet. An unwanted fetus is nothing more than a piece of organic waste. Don't give me that "life is holy and saint and sacred" bullshit, the planet,s already over-populated enough as it is. Do you think it's better to force these unfortunate couples to unwillingly have children and be miserable for the rest of their lives? and what about those children themselves??????

according to that stupid retarded "pro-life" attitude, each time a guy jacks off he's murdering millions of potential human beings.
its basically the same concept as being on life-support for a period of time. how would you feel if you had someone in your family was on life support(since they are just organic waste, not being able to do anything on their own and after that amount of time they turned out fine) and have someone just come and kill them?

also when you have sex, you still kill millions of sperm, cause only one makes it

there should only be two reasons for a woman to get an abortion, if she was a victim of rape or if the child/mother would be seriously hurt from carrying/having the child. other than that, then it shouldnt be done. also some girls just use abortion as a form of birth control, which is retarded, if you dont wanna have a kid, then keep your damn legs closed. and forcing an "unfortunate couple" to have a kid, goes for what i just said, if you arent ready to accept the consequences of accidently having one, dont have sex at all, or use protection of some kind.

and if they happen to get pregnant and still dont want the kid, they can put them up for adoption, and a lot of families that are willing to adopt are really good families, and YOU GET TO PICK which family they go to, so you can give them the best in life and a chance, that you wouldnt be able to give them

and i used to be for abortions before my kid was born, cause i thought the same way you did. but now i'm against it, unless the reasons above apply. and i bet the same exact thing will happen to any of you here after you have a child.

EDIT: had to finish and correct things

may add more later depending if i can think of things