4 More Years!!!!!!

The father has some responsibility....a huge responsibility when it comes to financial things. This might sound stupid and kinda....egoistic...but a student is not always in the best position to support a child. I think it should be a well considered and thought through decision. If you really don't want to have a baby, and you feel really miserable when carrying it, I say by all means, have abortion. But not the day after you found out that you were pregnant.
I think abortion should be legalised, but only performed after careful thinking, discussing and, very important, some sort of guidance and talks with a doctor.

And I think Bastrd, that you judge on people way to fast and to black and white...calling people liberals because they are for abortion, always or in some cases. I think there are enough republican people who agree on some sort of abortion legislization. I consider myself to be rather liberal, and I can't recall using lots of nasty words...
By your statement i assume you are a republican. And the only actual fucks of significance are in your post.
COBSteele02 said:
So killing an innocent human being (namely their own son) because of an immature mistake should be a choice?

I fail to see how murder should be a choice.

In fact there are many other choices that she can take instead of killing the child.

Are you a vegetarian then? Eating meat is just as much supporting murder (as you put it) supporting abortion. Executing a killer or terrorist, anyway you put it, is murder. Any execution is. You plan to kill a person at a cedrtain time. The only thing different than a civilian killing some other civilian, is that the state is involved....but in a jury-based judicial system the people still judge. So is that murder too?
Heavenscent said:
Are you a vegetarian then? Eating meat is just as much supporting murder (as you put it) supporting abortion. Executing a killer or terrorist, anyway you put it, is murder. Any execution is. You plan to kill a person at a cedrtain time. The only thing different than a civilian killing some other civilian, is that the state is involved....but in a jury-based judicial system the people still judge. So is that murder too?

Pro Death Penalty = No

Pro War on Terror = Yes because in the long run its going to save lives and ensure peace. Laugh all you want. But that is the way I see it.

I also fail to see how eating meat is murder or even is in the same league as killing an innocent child. :Smug:

By your statement i assume you are a republican. And the only actual fucks of significance are in your post.

Yes because all Republicans most be uneducated hoosiers correct? and are clueless and know nothing of the real world? How liberal of you.
In Germany abortion is without punishment (not legal, just there's no punishment.. kind of a legislative walk on the edge there) within the first three months of the pregnancy. At this stage, any animal is more self-conscious and alive than this accumulation of cells there. If you call it murder to abort it, because of what it could be one day, then you consequently have to be against killing animals as well. Or against masturbation, as someone suggested.
What you kill in the woman's womb is not alive or self-conscious, only because it would be one day doesnt make it murder.

Alexifollower:"also some girls just use abortion as a form of birth control, which is retarded, if you dont wanna have a kid, then keep your damn legs closed"
Now THAT is retarded. What do you have to do with any girl acting that way? Have you become America's Moral Mom when I wasnt looking? Since when do you have a right to tell people what they can and cannot do? Also, it's a very harsh exageration to assume girls use abortions as a mechanism of birth control.. "I have to go to the doctor have my monthly abortion.." yeah right :rolleyes:
And this bullshit about how repulsive abortions are.. come on, dont emotionalize the debate with this. Doesnt anyone think about the mothers and if they want THEIR lives ruined with a child they dont have money/time for? It should always be the mother's decision. If you wouldnt have an abortion, fine, but dont forcefeed your opinion on others.
And this "Adoption is much better than abortion" bullshit must be the worst lie ever. Who told you that? I only know one person who got adopted personally and it caused him some hard times, you can tell that. If the child never finds out it got adopted, and if it's guaranteed to find a family soon.. but that's nothing anyone can give a guarantee for.
I think knowing that the "parents" you live with arent your biological parents, only because your real parents couldnt be assed to raise you must be one of the worst feelings ever. But if you feel that's better than aborting the kid, fine.
It's not an easy decision after all, and if you prefer having the child and have it adopted later, go ahead. Just dont forget that other people are entitled to their own opinions as much as you are
COBSteele02 said:
Yes because all Republicans most be uneducated hoosiers correct? and are clueless and know nothing of the real world? How liberal of you.

how republican of you to make an asinine statement of attack in response to one with some validity.....you clueless uneducated hoosier who knows nothing of the real world.
:worship: Northern Viking
ive argued this topic so many times with so many people i cannot be bothered to type it out thoughtfully here, hense my short posts. so thank you NV for saying what i have not.
I'mstill PRO-CHOICE; However, I believe an abortion a)should only be practised in the EARLY stages of pregnancy and b)should NOT be seen as a regular kind of contraception, but as a STOPGAP SOLUTION for rape victims and/or women who accidentally got pregnant but WHOSE HEALTH (and maybe even life!!!) WOULD BE SERIOUSLY THREATENED BY A PREGNANCY. For example, a woman who is very depressed and troubled after getting raped; or one who has any severe illness and/or addiction and (accidentally) got pregnant.
BastrdDrmr said:
Heavenscent, this is the type of argument I am talking about.

im sorry, im just in awe at how idiotic some people can be, so really....it doesnt prove anything that you said because it has nothing to do with it
COBSteele02 said:
It has everything to do with it.

I have a viewpoint different than you and I am a fucking idiot right?
no.....you repeated what i had said as if you were making an argument towards myself.
how republican of you to make an asinine statement of attack in response to one with some validity.....you clueless uneducated hoosier who knows nothing of the real world.
^^^^^sarcasm in response to the generalization towards liberals
Yeah because stereotyping people is so valid.
get it yet????

your differing opinion has nothing to do with it actually. not at all. my best friend is a very right-wing libertarian. we argue all the time, but it doesnt affect our friendship. why? because we respect each others opinons.......sometimes
I"m pro-choice. call it murder..people choose to murder people choose to have a baby.

it may be a poor choice, but it's not the public's business what a woman does to herself.
Northern Viking said:
"Adoption is much better than abortion" bullshit must be the worst lie ever. Who told you that?

nobody told me that smart one, i live it every day. and yeah your friend may have some hard times, so do i, but do you think i wish my birth mother had aborted me? absolutely not. and i doubt your friend would either.

that whole vegetarian thing kinda made me laugh (not in a bad way) because i used to be, but had to start eating meat again because of the fact i got pregnant.

and also with what the_drip said a few posts up, that last statement, even though i dont entirely support abortion, i completely agree with that statement.
> And this bullshit about how repulsive abortions are.. come on, dont emotionalize the debate with this.

Agreed. Maybe having a tumor removed isn't gross? It's not much different from having an abortion in my opinion. then again i'm not a woman and i've never been pregnant or had an abortion, or a tumor.

and i'll say it again: if YOU are against abortion THEN DON'T HAVE ONE. But don't force everyone else to be stuck with your opinion.
^ i dont recall anybody trying to force people not to have abortions etc. yes everybody is highly opinionated, but that's different than forcing your views upon someone else.
i dont think anybody can say for certain whether an abortion is murder or not, that is why i am against making it illegal, not because i think it's perfectly okay to go and do. it's not like people would stop doing it if you made it illegal anyway, it would just be more dangerous. also, if you are against abortion, then you had better be against the death penalty, and completely against war, and to be safe, you should probably also be a vegan.