4x12 Cab

The Harley Benton is pretty crappy, there was one at our old rehearsal place. Everything else we had there were vastly superior. I've heard and seen The Framus 4x12" in person and yeah, it does look like it's the same cab actually! Never realized it before. It sounds the same too, though I didn't hear it with the same head. I've had the 2x12" version of the Framus cab, and I didn't like it very much. Cheap looking and easily damaged, and it sounded pretty thin and brittle.

You could look around for used stuff that's not as widely known. I used to own a 4x12" v30 cab by Fame which sounded pretty damn good, and I got it for €200 IIRC which was a steal. It was one of the cabs at the rehearsal place, and compared to the Harley Benton 4x12" the Fame totally slayed it. Too bad I had to sell the cab to finance other stuff :erk:

I'd consider getting an Orange 4x12". They sound amazing, although a friend who'd once opened one said that they're built pretty cheaply.
I wouldn't think the Oranges are built cheaply; quite the contrary, I think it's due to their really solid, thick construction and relatively small size that all the clips of them I've heard have just sounded unbelievably dark and middy :erk: Better than the Mesa Stiletto though, that sounds middy more in my archnemesis freq. band, the wooly, stuffy 400 Hz region :loco: Rather than what seems to be a focus more around 1k in the Orange
Normal harley benton= shit. Harley benton "vintage"= not shit. Best cab for the money new, bar none.

I wouldn't think the Oranges are built cheaply; quite the contrary, I think it's due to their really solid, thick construction and relatively small size that all the clips of them I've heard have just sounded unbelievably dark and middy :erk: Better than the Mesa Stiletto though, that sounds middy more in my archnemesis freq. band, the wooly, stuffy 400 Hz region :loco: Rather than what seems to be a focus more around 1k in the Orange

Yeah, I agree, because that's not what I meant. The front "panel" or whatever it's called is just attached pretty scarily. I guess cheap isn't exactly the word I should've used. I saw a pic of it too and it is pretty weird considering the price and otherwise solid construction of the cab. Just three thin slabs of metal attaching the two pieces of wood with 2 speakers each. There's a noticeable gap between the slabs too!
Which Marshall is it? If it has V30s I'd say go for that. I've seen the ones with GTsomething-speakers (aka 1960 Lead) for less on ebay.
where you are i'd look into a framus dragon cab, i had the chance to play one a while back and thought it sounded killer
i have a framus dragon cab that i took meticulous care of and one day whilst rolling it along a carpeted floor, one of the castors tore off, taking a portion of the wood with it. could have just been a one-off but it seems to confirm people's suspicions of it being low build quality. it sounds ace but its a pain having to carry it around everywhere!
Wow dude, that's pitiful! I assume it was just a couple of layers of the plywood? Still pretty inexcusable though
Yeah, what made it worse was the other guitarist in my band had a Mesa Rectifier cab that he treats like shit, but that's lasted him years and barely has a scratch on it!