5150 Clip: How close am I to Arch Enemy's tone?


On The Fields Of Life
Jul 12, 2005
Greensburg, PA

Peavey 5150 - Marshall 1960AV (V30's) - Caparison Horus (EMG85) - Shure SM57

So how close am I to Arch Enemy's tone on Stigmata? I know I'm not gonna get studio quality tone just messing around at home, but I think the tone is somewhat close. Maybe not. Any opinions are welcome.

EDIT: I updated the clip using settings similar to Andy's.
Where is the 57 placed? I'm not sure how close it is the the actual tone, but the tone is pretty good. I think you could be doing better though, with that gear. Hmm...

Settings? Tubescreamer? What was the SM57 running into, and where was it placed?
DSS3 said:
Where is the 57 placed? I'm not sure how close it is the the actual tone, but the tone is pretty good. I think you could be doing better though, with that gear. Hmm...

Settings? Tubescreamer? What was the SM57 running into, and where was it placed?

About an inch off of the speaker cloth dead on with the cone. The tone sounds much better in the room, I just suck at recording. The settings were something like this...

Lead Channel, High Gain Input
Pre Gain - 4.9
Low - 5.0
Middle - 5.9
High - 5.9
Resonance - 3.9
Presence - 6.1

The SM57 is going into an M-Audio DMP-3 mic preamp and then right into my computer. Nothing fancy or expensive at all.

EDIT: I have a Maxon OD808, but I didn't use it for that clip.
My settings are

Lead Channel, High Gain Input
Pre Gain - 4
Low - 6
Middle - 2
High - 4.5
Resonance - 5
Presence - 5

Maxon OD808 infront with level and drive pointing to the corners - The Absence settings, basically.

I use 707's, so it should be fairly similar. I'm also running an Avatar 2x12 with V30's, so that should be similar, as well.

I think it's the micing position. I'd put it about an inch from the grillcloth, pointing dead on (perpendicular to grillcloth) at the point on the speaker where the cone meets the rest of it. Try that, and see where it gets you. Right on the cone is giving off that scratchy/grainy high end I here - it should sound less plasticky in the meeting spot.
DSS3 said:
My settings are

Lead Channel, High Gain Input
Pre Gain - 4
Low - 6
Middle - 2
High - 4.5
Resonance - 5
Presence - 5

Maxon OD808 infront with level and drive pointing to the corners - The Absence settings, basically.

I use 707's, so it should be fairly similar. I'm also running an Avatar 2x12 with V30's, so that should be similar, as well.

I think it's the micing position. I'd put it about an inch from the grillcloth, pointing dead on (perpendicular to grillcloth) at the point on the speaker where the cone meets the rest of it. Try that, and see where it gets you. Right on the cone is giving off that scratchy/grainy high end I here - it should sound less plasticky in the meeting spot.

Alright, I will give that a shot tomorrow. :headbang:
can't say it sounds a whole lot like the AE tone to me, but pretty good sounding in it's own right
i don't think anyone will ever get a very AE tone with EMGs. it's not miles off, but it seems to lack some of the character / frequencies of the sound.
Lead channel
Pre 11 oclock
Low 1 oclock ish
Mid 9 oclock ish
High 11.30ish
Post 9.30, 10 oclock
Res 2 oclock
Pres 3 o clock
DSS3 said:
Nope, those are settings Andy gave a bit back, as an example of how he'd set up a 5150, IIRC.

You'll notice I set mine up very similar ;).

Ah sweet. Anyone know what kind of settings Fredrick Nordstrom uses?
alot of what makes the stigmata guitar tone is how they mastered that album, it's alot sharper and louder sounding than new arch enemy. nonetheless i think it was pretty close, and it sounds cool.
KeithRT99 said:
alot of what makes the stigmata guitar tone is how they mastered that album, it's alot sharper and louder sounding than new arch enemy. nonetheless i think it was pretty close, and it sounds cool.

Thanks man. Did you listen to the old clip, or the new one I just posted?