5150 vs. 6505

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Same amp, just a different name. The reason? Because Peavey and Eddie Van Halen went seperate ways and Peavey couldn't use the 5150 name, plus it was their anniversary thing, so it works. Same exact amp, just a different name plate/model name.

Yep, and can I also ask about the 5150 signature VS block letter model's, is there really much of a difference, or like andy has said as posted on marty fireball's site, is it in most cases a tube issue? And if there is a difference, which of the 2 5150's does the 6505 sound more like?
cobhc said:
Yep, and can I also ask about the 5150 signature VS block letter model's, is there really much of a difference, or like andy has said as posted on marty fireball's site, is it in most cases a tube issue? And if there is a difference, which of the 2 5150's does the 6505 sound more like?

No real difference other than tubes that it shipped with.
The only differences are the tubes and the fack that EVH is screened in block lettering rather than his signature, they only made so many of these and then switched to the different tubes and a screened signature on the control plate. That's the only thing that makes them desirable is just becuase like anything else, when they only make so many, having the rare one pays off if you want to sell it later on. And now that the 6505 is out, the 5150 block letter is probably doing that much better on the resale market.

it's all in the tubes, man. when i borrowed a signature 5150 from a buddy i was blown away, and therefore bought a 5150 ASAP. it turned out to be a block letter head, but the first few times i fired it up it was a REAL letdown...sounded like SHIT. thank god i knew what a 5150 was capable off thanks to the sig one i borrowed earlier. played around with the tubes, and voila, best sounding amp i've ever had (as of right now)
I was about to say the next person that asks this gets permanently banned. then realised it was from 2006 so the clown that bumped it should be banned.
6534 dude, 6505 with EL34's, if that's your thing :cool: (though I think they only have the + model available thus far, unfortunately)
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