$915 a reasonable price for a brand new Mesa Traditional Straight 4x12?

That's what McQuade's charged me. Is that where you're looking? BTW, Guitar Center is charging $899 so yeah, given the exchange rate, it's very competitive. Quite surprising since McQuade's is run by a bunch of money-grubbing assholes who'll rob you blind if you're not careful.

Wow, I bought one for $800 new at GC and thought I got a bad deal. This was also about a decade ago at this point hehe.
That's what McQuade's charged me. Is that where you're looking? BTW, Guitar Center is charging $899 so yeah, given the exchange rate, it's very competitive. Quite surprising since McQuade's is run by a bunch of money-grubbing assholes who'll rob you blind if you're not careful.


Yup Long and McQuade haha, I think I'll snag it then... Is that what you've got Oz, the smaller traditional cab?
ughh, over here in the UK that Mesa cab costs £865, so with current exchange rate, thats $1686 USD, i suppose caus of the VAT and tax, but its a rip off. Even the marshall cabs that are built here, sell for around the same price over in the US $799 or around 400 quid, depending where in the UK you go. so id guess $915 is awesome!!! :)