9th Bodom Album

Lolz. But I am on an android not a computer. I got this funny gif that I just cannot figure out how to share with you. Someone txted it to me. I dunno who it was. Some local number. I guess i need the app, but the damn thingis taking forever to download. I have unlimited data, but I just capped the 2.0Gb mark for the month so shit is going slow. I'll have to get back to you about the appearance of the male of the species.

Perhaps you have noticed that the male of the species dislikes the female of the species. What Joonas wants in a woman is called codependency. He wants some well trained well coiffed little doggy to bring his gimlet and slippers when he comes home from work, and have a perfectly prepared lamb chop already in the oven. If Joonas went to Alcoholics Anonymous, his ideal mate would go to Al-Anon. I don't roll like that. I go to AA only. I am not a double winner. I tell a man to fuck off when he asks for slippers and a gimlet. But I do like lamb chops, and I prefer we eat together in a timely manner. Oh, and my dad did dishes so I think washing the dishes is a perfectly manly activity.