Stlye of New Children of Bodom

Oct 22, 2003
vancouver, canada
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what direction would you like to see Children of Bodom going in. None of there albums really are reall the same which makes me so eager to hear the new Children of Bodom that i expect to hear in about 12 - 15 months ( better be sooner!! ) and also what colour is the cd going to be, there running out of colours to choose.

I want the new bodom to sound like a brutal assault of classical metal , meaning delve deeper in to the realm of classical metal, with aggressive Black vocals and SHRED SHRED SHRED , with noon stop percussion TEchnicality menaing mnore of a Sean Reinhert in Cynic. And maybe add words to lyrics like anomaly, Obstrucion, Death , Torture, Seance, Oblivious , and also add some latin word to.

Also on a important note , have all memeber right songs together, i heard what janne has with warmen , its awesome. I think when they right songs in a band they will become a better band ,,

Long live BODOM
Color will be pink with full of flowers and hearts and its full of ballads and alexi stops playing guitar and starts to do only clean vocals
I'm sure the guys will do whatever they want to do without giving a fuck about anyone elses opinion.
Mmh, I hope they won't do something trash, the slayer cover is the COB song I like the least, so I really hope they won't go in this direction...

One thing I don't like in COB music is that I can't make movies in my head while listening to their music. Yeah, it's powerfull, it's fast, and everything, but i think it lacks a bit of atmosphere. Not all the songs of an album, but a few of it would be good. Something with slow but heavy parts, with lots of effects, then it becomes fast as we know it, a song that would sound like an apocalypse coming closer, not as if we already were into the battlle or somethin'.

That's why I like In the Shadows so much, it sounds different from most of COBs songs. Angels don't kill has lot of atmosphere too, but it's too dark all the way, there's absolutelly no hope in this song. I want songs that start with a dark atmosphere like this but which change to a powerful one... (and lots of technical stuff of course)

Well, just my 3 cents...
In the shadows is so damn underrated... fukkin masterpiece±@£¢¤!!

and i really like silent scream (slayer cover) wtf is wrong with it? They took an already great, mean, heavy song and did it even more great, mean and heavy.
i want alexi to put down his guitar and start rapping. and they could get a DJ too, and a sampler, and a couple more drummers.....

Well,I hope that Roope stays on as full member and him and Alexi do a lot of trading off solos. I personally don't care what they do or sound like next,as long as they keep making good music as they have been and don't start going down hill like some/most metal bands do after they get a few albums under their belts.
no atmosphere????? DOWNFALL!!! , everytime i die , red light in my eyes , deadnight warrior all good tracks with plenty atmosphere. I personally would like to see more keyboards used like in ftr but if they carry on with hcdr style thats cool with me
thebigyetti said:
i want alexi to put down his guitar and start rapping. and they could get a DJ too, and a sampler, and a couple more drummers.....


thats like ummm scary...
Maili Björklund said:
Yep that's right! In The Shadows is genious!!
Henkka told me that they think that In The Shadows is the worst song they ever recorded after I asked him why they didn't play this great song live anymore.