Stlye of New Children of Bodom

Alexi said that In The Shadows is a song which could be a lot better from the riffs and from the arrangements.

By the way, Janne played the final keyboard melody in the end of In The Shadows at Tuska 2000 at the ending of Deadnight Warrior. This sounded cool, he should do that more often.
spellbound-by-the-bodom said:
no atmosphere????? DOWNFALL!!! , everytime i die , red light in my eyes , deadnight warrior all good tracks with plenty atmosphere. I personally would like to see more keyboards used like in ftr but if they carry on with hcdr style thats cool with me

Their next cd will be something completly different, it always is. Bodom always suprises me when they release something new.

And In the Shadows is my fav Bodom song, why do they have to hate it. :lol:

By the way do any of you bootleg collectors have a rare live version of In the Shadows you could hook me up with please?
yetti said:
i want alexi to put down his guitar and start rapping. and they could get a DJ too, and a sampler, and a couple more drummers.....

Moonlapse said:
Man, Silent Scream has some of the biggest videogame style solos I have ever heard :lol:
Haha.. totally agree.

I, myself, have enjoyed the way they've used their previous style and added a bit more to the heaviness. A new album, which will have a very very difficult time disappointing me, should have songs like Downfall, and merge some old classic goodness like In the Shadows.. but it should also keep that violence that takes you out on the street and pounds the ever-lovin' shit out of you HCD
I think it's more brutal in the sense that its alot more rhythmic and there isn't as much shredding and melody as there was before. To be honest I dont like it as much as the others. FTR is my personal fave... I love Kissing the Shadows and Mask of Sanity.
Hatebreeder was my favorite.
And I think know what you're trying to get at DWD, but I mean more like sonic pounding heavyness, mostly due to the different/better production work on HCD ..the way certain sound spectra stick out.
DeadWinterDead said:
The only difference between each of the Children of Bodom CDs is the use of keyboards basically, though everything changes technically. Almost everything else has been the same. I'm not saying that every song sounds the same, but you get the idea.

I disagree. Ill use these examples.

First compare Your Better off Dead, to Red Light in My Eyes either parts
now try to compare Hate Me with Warheart. Now compare YBOD, to Hate Me, and Warheart to Red Light...

I can think of a dozen more examples as well. The styles of the song are completly different on each cd. Im no genre whore so I won't play the genre game.

But each album and song has its on uniqueness. And Hatecrew Deathroll is by far the most powerful as far as riffs go and the solos that are pulled are quite amazing, Something Wild was alot more darker and in your face and melodic. Hatebreeder was more "thrash" sounding with some excellent classical soloing, and my favorite Follow the Reaper was very technical and was flawless and had some great heavy riffs to go along with it.

But thats the way I see it. But the whole point was, there is more than just the keyboards that make each cd unique.
For some reason........I prefer clean vocals over everything. Alexi sounds fucking awesome doing clean vocals, in my opinion. I remember when I heard Needled 24/7......I thought that was the closest Alexi was going to get to clean vocals. Well, shit, I was fucking wrong. Alexi + Clean Vocals = rules!


PS - Yes, I am drunk, but I'm serious!!
Ok - I'm not sure about the In the Shadows thingie (if it was played live or not) anymore. I checked the interview and as fucked up as Finnish is I'm not sure what Alexi means in a certain part..
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All the lyrics I have make perfect sense. The lyrics are only horrible and in broken english when you read the bullshit that sites like Darklyrics have... FUCK THE IDIOTS WHO SUBMITTED THOSE SHITTY LYRICS. :)

The problem with questions like this is that most people don't understand anything about music... and start throwing labels and words around and pretend they know exactkly what they're talking about. Like when somebody said HCD isn't as technical as the other albums. Well, I'm sorry, but Alexi, Janne, and Jaska have never pushed themselves this far in a studio release. Examples: Alexi - end of Hate Crew Deathroll solo (that must be at least 300 bpm, in -sixteenths-! Cause it's at least as fast as that part in the Bitch Is Back (280 bpm))... Janne - Chokehold, obviously, but there are others... Jaska - part before the second chorus in Lil Bloodred (or look at the song HCD, lots of fast stuff)... all of these parts are unbeliveably fast and cool.

My two cents is: I don't care to presume what their next album will be, it'll be good stuff, and that's what matters. Each one gets more technical, that much is obvious... and each one gets more accessible to the general populace. I'm not saying that they sold out or anything, it's just a fact.

I completely disagree with DeadWinterDead... although they use similar elements, song-by-song everything is different, and Alexi has new influences all the time. Like someone else said, when you compare their songs, they are completely different. I've heard ppl (more like musical bigots then ppl) say Everytime I Die is just like Bed of Razors and that Angels Don't Kill is just like Everytime I Die, etc... well, just cause it's the slowest tempo song on the cd doesn't mean it's the same fucking song from album to album. However, this isn't the best example because EID and ADK have almost the exact same lyrical subjects... but with a band like CoB, lyrics aren't terribly important.

People always say Hatebreeder is very thrashy, but I don't see a whole lot of thrash influence. I see more thrashy stuff on HCD, personally... oh well, labels are labels, and everyone's perceptions of labels are different.
Stlye of New Children o... November 22nd, 2003 04:23 PM You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to NeedledWarheart again.

^bad rep from this thread, lol.
Whos the pussy? Come on, lol, i;m not THAT scary, surely you can admit it :D :lol: