9th Bodom Album


† Followed the Reaper †
Mar 23, 2005
What colour will the next album be? Is it going to be their last?

I have one suggestion! 8 songs. This way they can be focused on more individually.
After Halo of Blood's white cover I think a BLACK album cover would be fucking sick, and I don't see any reason why it would be their last because everything seems swell in their camp.
Also I think their last two releases had over 8 songs and didn't contain any filler in my opinion, besides 8 songs would be too short.
There is definitely need for a lush, interesting soundworld. The last thing Bodom should do is release yet another similar album with similar songs (9 songs with predictable construction and duration etc). I say go extreme with the sound world, more darkness, more orchestral hits, more synthesizers, straightforward and catchy, epic riffing, instead of the technical crapstorm. Full moon on a Bodom album would be incredibly sick. More epicness, less vocals... instead make the vocals and lyrics count. Where there used to be pointless vocal verses and shit, now needs to be epic, atmospheric interludes etc. Some of the sexual energy returned on Halo, but it's still missing to be a great album, instead it's all about the title song.
I already think there are so many bands out right now using orchestral elements such as Wintersun that I prefer Bodom's more straight up approach, besides with Alexi and Janne harmonizing really anything is possible
Bodom is closest to what I like. I found them when I was 13, and little did I know there would never be better. I thought the sea of interesting bands was infinite. I speak my ideas out of admiration more so than out of complain.
well im a really big fan of cob and they´re the reason i play guitar and i got more into music for sure

and i love the straightforward sound of them now (scream for silence its epic for me) and i prefer hatecrew deathroll to hatebreeder for example. I know lots of people like you would disagree with me but this is an opinion and theres no right or wrong, and my opinion isnt worth more than yours and vice versa

my point joonas is that, what might be the perfect for you doesnt mean it is really the best for them to do. you see things like theres no other way and it has to be your way, because thats obviously correct... wrong

they do they´re thing and thats it, some people will dig it, others wont. and as a fan i´ll respect that because im sure alexi and the band will do (as they always did) the best of whats in their minds in the moment. thats the only thing i would point at you, your almost demanding bodom sound requests that if not requested, everyones stupid and doesnt really know what they´re saying/doing like you´re like some kind of superior musical intelect above others in this matter
I'm actually very interested in why you think the next album would be their last...do go on...
There is definitely need for a lush, interesting soundworld. The last thing Bodom should do is release yet another similar album with similar songs (9 songs with predictable construction and duration etc). I say go extreme with the sound world, more darkness, more orchestral hits, more synthesizers, straightforward and catchy, epic riffing, instead of the technical crapstorm. Full moon on a Bodom album would be incredibly sick. More epicness, less vocals... instead make the vocals and lyrics count. Where there used to be pointless vocal verses and shit, now needs to be epic, atmospheric interludes etc. Some of the sexual energy returned on Halo, but it's still missing to be a great album, instead it's all about the title song.

This is the shit I am talking about. Nobody even understands what you want when you describe music based on what you see when you are tripping. No two people in the whole world have ever had exactly the same hallucinations. Tell us what makes it lush and interesting. Is is a certain chord progression? What is darkness in music? Are those minor chords? And wtf is epic? What is wrong with the riff today? You want more blue notes? Is there not enough dissonance for Joonas? USE MUSICAL TERMINOLOGY.
Well, I guess I saw that coming when he went and posted 'the hoff' as his signature. I mean why does such a useless leader as the hoff get all those baywatch babes? Pam Anderson did all the work anyways. All the glory none of the stress, that is what the hoff is about.
pizzaface is joonas [captain obvious strikes again]

Incorrect. I am not Joonas. I am the girl troll who has been coming around for the past four years saying all kinds of crazy fucked up shit. You would think they could do a better job of keeping me out, but six months after being banned for trolling I can always get back in.
Pizzaface is apparently a female in the species of Joonas (homo joonascus fanboyxum). It's just a wild guess but I've always had this funny theory about the existence of female Joonas' and gentlemen, we are making history here. No man has witnessed a Joonasdella with his own eyes in the last thousand years and we're the first ones to do so. We must continue to observe this fragile entity and pray that the means used to banish the original Joonas from the land of CoB On-topic work against its female counterpart.

Fuck, I need a cup of coffee.
Incorrect. I am not Joonas. I am the girl troll who has been coming around for the past four years saying all kinds of crazy fucked up shit. You would think they could do a better job of keeping me out, but six months after being banned for trolling I can always get back in.

Pizzaface is apparently a female in the species of Joonas (homo joonascus fanboyxum). It's just a wild guess but I've always had this funny theory about the existence of female Joonas' and gentlemen, we are making history here. No man has witnessed a Joonasdella with his own eyes in the last thousand years and we're the first ones to do so. We must continue to observe this fragile entity and pray that the means used to banish the original Joonas from the land of CoB On-topic work against its female counterpart.

Fuck, I need a cup of coffee.

In times like these we must all come down together and hold onto our faith! Amen, Brother!