_THE_ Joey Sturgis POD patch preset settings HERE!


Anssi Tenhunen
Note from Admin:
There are now official Joey Sturgis tones available:
Store: http://joeysturgistones.bigcartel.com/
Facebook: http://facebook.com/joeysturgistones

Hello you all!

We at Andy Sneap forum are a real community; If you are here just for the Joey's POD patch, then just read this post and then GTFO and never come back. Thank you. But if you are here to actually learn something instead of just blindly following others and asking for presets, then please register and join the community :)

Joey has his own forum nowadays, go there instead: http://www.ultimatemetal.com/forum/joey-sturgis-536/

Actually to be honest I don't have a POD at hand so I can't make a patch, so I'll just give you settings, so you need to do some manual labour. I'll give you some links at the end, so you'll know this is legit. (edit: I take that back, here is the patch, BUT READ THIS POST FIRST, BECAUSE THE PATCH NEEDS TWEAKING! Thanks to 006 for making the patch)

The reason for this thread is that I get so pissed about this constant "ou pat i nidz de Sturgis bäz, mi tonez sux" begging, so I did a few simple searches on the forum (for you internet crippled: Threads Started By: "joeymusicguy" Forum: "Rate my mix/tone threads") and did some 1+1=2 calculating and adding bits and pieces together and came up with this batch of settings. DISCLAIMER: Do note that this patch is UNOFFICIAL and has directly nothing to do with Joey or his studio.

NOTE: USE THESE SETTINGS ONLY AS A STARTING POINT, because so does Joey. And also note that THIS TONE WILL SUCK BY ITSELF ALONE, use it in context (2 or 4 takes of rhythm guitars + bass + drums). To quote him:

Someone: I'd like to hearby request that Joey post a link to "his" podfarm preset.
Joey: "but i'll never do that"
Someone: but they need THE preset joey
Joey: "even if they had the preset they wouldn't like it, i rule at mastering"
Someone: What pickups have you made your presets for? EMG's?
Joey: "all sorts - i just adjust it per guitar, each time."

So what you need is POD XT [PRO] (with Metal Pack), POD X3 or POD FARM PLATINUM and an EQ plugin (pretty much any will do). This DOES NOT work with normal Pod Farm, stock Pod XT or Pod HD. Then the signal chain is pretty simple: POD -> EQ -> Guitar group

POD settings:
Stomp: Tube Screamer
- gain 75
- drive 15
- tone 50
Amp: MS-Diamondplate ("Cali Diamond Plate" in Podfarm Platinum)
- drive: "amp gain around the breaking point of too much crunch on chugs. have the guitarist chug over and over again, make sure he's doing a good chug. then slowly turn the gain up until it sounds edgy enough"
- bass mids and treble: ~50% (mix to taste)
- presence: ~60%
Cab: 4x12 Threadplate
- condencer mic (67)
- room 0%

Channel EQ settings:
EQ (always): Highpass 50-100hz, Lowpass 12khz
EQ (threadplate cab specific): cut at 800hz, cut at 4khz
EQ (suggestions): Boost between 300-400hz, boost 5-8khz for clarity

And thats it! (might require you to use a noise gate before screamer pedal)

edit: oh yeah, I forgot the most important one:

you need nos, and cigs.



AMEN, people still asking should be banned.

Thanks for that, hope it brings peace to this era of Sturgis preset-leeches.
Good idea, hopefully it does actually stop them from asking over and over.

This also means that all the kids who download ssd and pod farm and want to be joey are one step closer without doing any work(i know this isnt exact sturgis tone at all, but it still makes it easier for them).
To keep my rantiness at a minimum ill stop now haha.
I was thinking about all the fuzz around the people who comes here asking for POD patches.
I can totally understand people getting pissed with users who refuse to use the search/read the FAQ and just create threads that have already been discussed before. It´s really annoying, fact.

On the other hand I think people here are too grumpy sometimes. You know, like bashing a guy who created a thread without using the search, but also bashing other guy for reviving an old thread that he found using the search. Actually people get angry/roll their eyes when anyone ask for any patch.

Patches/presets are only information. A condensed form of "gear, amp settings, mic placement, eq, etc" information. I can understand people coming to this board looking for this kind of info, this is an audio forum afterall. A "preset leecher" is just an "information leecher". I also understand Joey´s position on not giving this kind of info, it´s totally his right, altough I personally don´t agree, as he´s always asking things on this forum and getting straight answers. To my understand a leecher is someone who gets a lot and delivers nothing.

It´s obvious that getting his POD patch won´t make anyone sound like his recordings.
Andy Sneap, Misha and Fredrik Thordendal have their POD patches around for quite some time. Splatt88 already posted here his patches, curve eqs, impulses, screenshots, plugin chains more than once. Some years ago Black Neon Bob even posted an entire Cubase project folder. I can´t sound like any of them using a POD the same way I can´t sound like Andy when usign a 5150 and following his notes on Noise101, but it was good reading/studying anyway. The kind of info I enjoy and expect coming to an audio board.

I´m not sure if I´m going anywhere with these toughts, but I just think people are getting too nervous. What is an audio board if not sharing info about audio?
can someone post joey's ezdrummer preset? im recording a hxc band soon and the drummer just plays a drum pad with sticks. also if someone could post some robert johnson octaban/zitherdrop samples that'd be awesome, cheers guys
i really need that stuff man i am about to be evicted and my only hope of paying the bills is to record this band. do you have any killer trumpet sounds for ampeg svx?
I was thinking about all the fuzz around the people who comes here asking for POD patches.
I can totally understand people getting pissed with users who refuse to use the search/read the FAQ and just create threads that have already been discussed before. It´s really annoying, fact.

On the other hand I think people here are too grumpy sometimes. You know, like bashing a guy who created a thread without using the search, but also bashing other guy for reviving an old thread that he found using the search. Actually people get angry/roll their eyes when anyone ask for any patch.

Patches/presets are only information. A condensed form of "gear, amp settings, mic placement, eq, etc" information. I can understand people coming to this board looking for this kind of info, this is an audio forum afterall. A "preset leecher" is just an "information leecher". I also understand Joey´s position on not giving this kind of info, it´s totally his right, altough I personally don´t agree, as he´s always asking things on this forum and getting straight answers. To my understand a leecher is someone who gets a lot and delivers nothing.

It´s obvious that getting his POD patch won´t make anyone sound like his recordings.
Andy Sneap, Misha and Fredrik Thordendal have their POD patches around for quite some time. Splatt88 already posted here his patches, curve eqs, impulses, screenshots, plugin chains more than once. Some years ago Black Neon Bob even posted an entire Cubase project folder. I can´t sound like any of them using a POD the same way I can´t sound like Andy when usign a 5150 and following his notes on Noise101, but it was good reading/studying anyway. The kind of info I enjoy and expect coming to an audio board.

I´m not sure if I´m going anywhere with these toughts, but I just think people are getting too nervous. What is an audio board if not sharing info about audio?

Nectar-and-Fuel said:
i really need that stuff man i am about to be evicted and my only hope of paying the bills is to record this band. do you have any killer trumpet sounds for ampeg svx?

i really need that stuff man i am about to be evicted and my only hope of paying the bills is to record this band. do you have any killer trumpet sounds for ampeg svx?

I'm sorry about the eviction but man... I don't know what to say. Please just get it. Presets will not pay your bills. Get a job your good at and that pays your bills and learn how to mix. That's the best advice I can give you.