_THE_ Joey Sturgis POD patch preset settings HERE!

Thumbs up, y'all.
I always think it's kewl when somebody lets you in on their bag of tricks.
Thanks much for the info.
Y'all rawk.
This is fucking ridiculous. The forum is full of info on how to make a good tone. Even so, the noobs want a preset with the perfect tone:zombie: They clearly dont know shit, How can this noobs expect the same tone as Joey if they havent the same gear, hands, mixing skills. Yeah I am being a dick but only because this makes no funcking sense and it´s annoying. To the noobs, search for info, read, read, read, try to understand, pratice, pratice, pratice, move your fucking ass, dont expect for someone to do the perfect presets for your mixes.

And use spell check.

I think we are starting to show ourselves as weak right now and we must stay strong by not giving in to the noobs on this forum. Just ignore people like veronicafalls and eternally_gutted who just want an easy way, let them figure it out and delete this post. It may not be popular but I think it's only fair because I put countless hours into making my own settings in podfarm, lepou, whatever, and they should too.

What the fuck is this shit?

I feel like this forum is steering towards communism where everybody gets fed/paid the same patches and settings for an unequal amount of work(learning/searching).


I just think that we should set up a front page to the forum asking if they are only looking for patches and settings or if they want to learn more about recording music. And automatically ban the ones who are only looking for patches.

Ok, ok, seriously. Are you on drugs?
This is so bullshit and reminds me that so many people on this forum are just out to copy others without pioneering sound to suit their own tastes.

Ofcourse people want to reflect some of their influences in their music/general sound, thats what helps evolve music - they add to it.

Bring on the presets, I don't care because every time i've used them it just reminds me of how shit I am and how this isn't 'my own sound' and i feel undeserving.

If you can't mix it after it sounds good at the source and make it sit you may aswell cut your penis and hands off - because THAT is what makes the difference, most tones work well but they all need to have a context. One preset is never going to apply to loads of different songs.

Listen to other tones, dial in whatever you want in gearbox/podfarm and try and get it sound to the similar. Then at least you'll have a slightly better understanding on how things work. Don't ban people who want presets. They do help you learn or discover parts of a software you never thought would be useful in tone shaping. Instead, maintain your integrity by working hard on creating your own powerhouse.

I haven't said anything that hasn't already been said a million times already on this forum.
I was surprised to see the screamer stomp with so much pre-gain. Is that partially to accomodate noise gating? I've noticed or found during using my own podxt pro that when I turn the noise gate up too high I lose some power and crunch in my guitar tone and that by turning the amp gain up, I'm able to regain (no pun) it back. Normally, then, I'll ease off the noise gate a little and this gives me a happy medium reducing string/fret noise without losing my balls.
I don't see the problem. I mean, for me, this patch is the food for noobs so that they will finally have the answer to their mighty question. In 3 years maybe they'll come back, but we don't care. The only fucking bothering shit is that I don't know if they will find this thread, y'know...
I was surprised to see the screamer stomp with so much pre-gain

Umm, if it is modelled after the real tubescreamer, gain is essentially just level. You know, input volume.

Yes, exactly. I was talking about the amount of gain applied to the guitar signal BEFORE the amp, of course. Just surprised me that it was so high, thats all.
I think the confusion is kinda on how they named that parameter on the Screamer model. They named it 'Gain' instead of 'Level', but it's still the same thing.
sorry to ask this question but im asking in the right topic.

ive just bought pod farm platinum after using revalver and cant find the diamondplate amp?

Do i need to download something else besides platinum bundle? i dont have L6 hardware...
Im not trying to replicate a sturgis tone exactly i just wanna try out the patch cos it sounds interesting
sorry to ask this question but im asking in the right topic.

ive just bought pod farm platinum after using revalver and cant find the diamondplate amp?

Do i need to download something else besides platinum bundle? i dont have L6 hardware...
Im not trying to replicate a sturgis tone exactly i just wanna try out the patch cos it sounds interesting

Its called "Cali Diamond Plate"

if you have Podfarm Platinum, you should definitely have it.
Dont worry all fixed. working for some reason.
Patch sounds dildo's just like i knew it would.

Sturgis does great things with his mixing capabilities, no one on here using that patch is going to get close but at least it stops alot of questions.